Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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A triptych showing the fight on the roof of the Horyukaku Tower of Koga Castle beside the Tone River. A popular scene from the complex novel Nanso Satomi Hakkenden, “The Diary of Eight Dogs” by Takizawa Bakin (1767-1848). The macabre tale revolves around the eight offspring of a supernatural marriage between a princess and her father’s dog and their commitment to restore the fortunes of the samurai house of Satomi. Shows Inuzuka Shino Moritaka defending himself against the chief of police Inukai Kempachi Nobumichi. Published by Tsutaya Kichizo 1854.


Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Ichijusai and Baichoro Kunisada ga.


Status: Available


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    Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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    A triptych showing Prince Genji in a boat with attendant page and a lady watching female awabi (abalone) divers called ama. These women were a great curiosity for the public and seen as rather risqué characters. Prince Genji was the protagonist of Murasaki Shikibu’s Heian-era novel The Tale of Genji. He was the second son of the emperor, and relegated to civilian life. Published 1865 by Maruya Kyushiro.



    Very good impression and colour. Slight edge soil, otherwise very good condition. Signed Kunisada hitsu.



    Status: Available



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      Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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      A snow scene showing Prince Genji and attendants on Sugatami Bridge from a set of twelve months: Junikagetsu Genji no Sugatami. This being the eleventh month. Published by Yamashiroya Jinbei, 1867.


      Fine impression, colour and condition with extensive splashed gofun. Signed Kochoro Kunisada hitsu


      Status: Sold


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        Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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        An original double-sided wood-block showing on one side the busts of three wrestlers with a title cartouche Ozumo tozai kurabe, “A Sumo Contest Between East and West.” On the other side is a sumi key-block for a set Kurikara kongo den, “Legends of the Dragon Sword and the Thunderbolt of Absolute Truth.” Shows Benkei Taikumon heaving (presumably) the large bell of Mii Temple. The set was published in 1863. Interestingly, the heads on the sumo side have been altered by plugging-in new wrestlers.


        Generally in good condition with the usual edge damage. Sold “as is.” Rare.


        Status: Sold


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          Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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          The actor Segawa Kikunojo V in the role of Ama Myochin, the Cat Witch, from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi, the Eight Dog Heroes, published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 5/1852. The play was premiered at the Ichimuraza Theatre, 1/1852. This is the highlight of the play: The monstrous cat murders the father of the dog hero Inamura Kakutaro and then assumes his likeness. However, as shown here, its hairy body and giant claws can still be seen behind the bamboo curtain. The best design from the set.


          Fine impression and colour. Minor trimming, otherwise very good condition. Signed Ichiyosai Kunisada ga.


          Status: Sold


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            Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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            The actor Segawa Kikunojo V in the role of Ama Myochin, the Cat Witch, from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi, the Eight Dog Heroes, published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 5/1852. The play was premiered at the Ichimura-za Theatre, 1/1852. This is the highlight of the play: The monstrous cat murders the father of the dog hero Inamura Kakutaro and then assumes his likeness. However, as shown here, its hairy body and giant claws can still be seen behind the bamboo curtain. The best design from the set.



            Very fine impression with blind printing and burnishing. Fine colour and condition. This is the only full size impression I have seen as they almost always come from albums and are trimmed to the common denominator. Another (trimmed) impression is illustrated full page in Japanese Prints IV- Hiroshige and the Utagawa school – Rijksprentenkabinet/Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1984, no. 180, page 105. Signed Ichiyosai Kunisada ga.



            Status: Sold

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              Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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              The actor Segawa Kikunojo V as the Cat Witch Ama Myochin from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi , “Stories of the Eight Dog Heroes.” Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1852. The extremely lengthy novel by Kyokutei Bakin took 30 years to complete and was turned into a very successful play which was premiered at the Ichimura-za Theatre, 1/1852. The convoluted story tells of the supernatural offspring from the coupling of Princess Fuse and her father’s dog Yatsufusa. They are later reborn to normal mothers and the plot revolves around their gradual discovery of each other. Shows the cat’s human form appearing through a bamboo curtain while her true self, with claws and hairy arms, can be seen silhouetted behind the curtain. She murders the father of the dog hero Inamura Kakutaro and then assumes his likeness. The best design from a fine set.

              Very fine impression with burnishing and blind-printing. (The finest impression I have seen.) Fine colour. Small binding holes, otherwise fine condition. Full size. Signed Ichiyosai Kunisada ga.

              Status: Sold

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                Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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                The actor Nakamura Tsuruzo I as Awayuki Nashito, a vassal of the daimyo Takeda Nobumasa, from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi , “Stories of the Eight Dog Heroes.” Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1852. The extremely lengthy novel by Kyokutei Bakin took 30 years to complete and was turned into a very successful play which was premiered at the Ichimura-za Theatre, 1/1852. The convoluted story tells of the supernatural offspring from the coupling of Princess Fuse and her father’s dog Yatsufusa. They are later reborn to normal mothers and the plot revolves around their gradual discovery of each other. A fine set.

                Very fine impression with burnishing and extensive splashed gofun simulating snow. Later printings omit the gofun and have flakes cut into the block. Fine colour. Small binding holes, otherwise fine condition. Full size. Signed Kunisada ga.

                Status: Sold

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                  Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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                  The Actor Bando Mitsuemon I as Akaiwa Gajiro from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi , “Stories of the Eight Dog Heroes.” Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1852. The extremely lengthy novel by Kyokutei Bakin took 30 years to complete and was turned into a very successful play which was premiered at the Ichimura-za Theatre, 1/1852. The convoluted story tells of the supernatural offspring from the coupling of Princess Fuse and her father’s dog Yatsufusa. They are later reborn to normal mothers and the plot revolves around their gradual discovery of each other. A fine set.

                  Very fine impression with extensive burnishing. Later printings omit the burnishing on the costume and replace it with bokashi. Fine colour. Small binding holes, otherwise fine condition. Full size. Signed Kunisada ga.

                  Status: Sold

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                    Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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                    The actor Kataoka Ichizo I as the boatman Kajikuro from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi , “Stories of the Eight Dog Heroes.” Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1852. The extremely lengthy novel by Kyokutei Bakin took 30 years to complete and was turned into a very successful play which was premiered at the Ichimura-za Theatre, 1/1852. The convoluted story tells of the supernatural offspring from the coupling of Princess Fuse and her father’s dog Yatsufusa. They are later reborn to normal mothers and the plot revolves around their gradual discovery of each other. A fine set.

                    Extremely fine impression. Fine colour. Small binding holes, otherwise fine condition. Full size. Signed Kunisada ga.

                    Status: Sold

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                      Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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                      The complete diptych showing on the right the actor Arashi Otohachi III as the evil priest Bungyu attacking Asuka played by Fujikawa Kayu III from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi , “Stories of the Eight Dog Heroes.” Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1852. The extremely lengthy novel by Kyokutei Bakin took 30 years to complete and was turned into a very successful play which was premiered at the Ichimura-za Theatre, 1/1852. The convoluted story tells of the supernatural offspring from the coupling of Princess Fuse and her father’s dog Yatsufusa. They are later reborn to normal mothers and the plot revolves around their gradual discovery of each other. A fine set.

                      Extremely fine impressions. Fine colour. Small binding holes, otherwise fine condition. Full size. Signed Kunisada ga and Ichiyosai Kunisada ga.

                      Status: Sold

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                        Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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                        A triptych showing the actors Nakamura Shikan IV as Sakata Kintoki and Onoe Baiko V as Usui Sadamitsu – both henchmen of Watanabe no Tsuna (Raiko) – on the right; Sawamura Tanosuke III as the courtesan Usugumo (actually the spirit of a spider), centre, and Nakamura Chutaro as Urabe Hidetake – another henchman of Raiko – and Ichikawa Kuzo III as Watanabe no Tsuna on the left. Goblins and skeletons abound in the background. From the play Kubei yoi no itosuji performed at the Morita-za Theatre, 1864. Published by Iseya Kanekichi.


                        Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Kunisada ga.


                        Status: Sold


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                          Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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                          An original hanshita-e entitled: Hanayagura, Tenno Matsuri. This famous festival takes place in July in Tsushima, Aichi, with boats floating down the Tenno River. Shows a festival participant with a lion mask. Sumi with touches of red on thin paper with pentimenti to face.



                          In good condition. Signed Kunisada ga.



                          Status: Sold

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                            Utagawa KUNISADA II (1823-1880)

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                            The cat witch Ama Myochin. The best design from the set Hakkenden inu no soshi no uchi, biographies of the Eight Dog heroes. She peeps between two bamboo curtains, the silhouette of her true self – large hairy body and huge claws – being revealed through the curtains. Cherry blossom floats down. Published 1852 by Tsutaya Kichizo. The Hakkenden, Bakin’s famous novel, was a popular source for ukiyo-e artists.

                            Very good impression and colour. Slightly trimmed round. Signed Ichiyosai Kunisada ga.

                            Status: Sold

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                              Utagawa KUNISADA II ( 1823-1880 )

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                              An original shita-e drawing showing a high-ranking courtesan parading below cherry blossom on Yoshiwara’s great central avenue ( Nakanocho ). From a set “Superior Women Today.” The publisher’s name is blacked out but it has the censor seal for 1861. In good condition. Sold “as is.” Rare. Signed Kunisada ga.

                              Status: Sold

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