Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Yodo-no-Kimi (aka Yodogimi), the concubine and second wife of the daimyo Toyotomi Hideyoshi, readies herself for seppuku: Hideyoshi, having died, she and her son are thought to pose a threat to Tokugawa Ieyasu who had become a guardian of Hideyoshi’s son. They hold up in Osaka castle where they commit suicide, rather than be captured. From the set Ikkai zuihitsu, “Essays by Yoshitoshi.” (Ikkai was an early name of Yoshitoshi’s.) A set of thirteen prints published by Masadaya Heikichi 1872/3. A fine set.
Extremely fine impression and colour from the first edition. Most designs from the set have red seals in the margin and red seals over the signature. These were removed on later editions. Margins trimmed a little, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu. d on later editions. Trimmed on black border at left, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Shows the bloodied western army commander, Shima Sakon, having severed the head of Sato Daihachi, which flies through the air at Horagatoge Pass. Sakon lead an army of his Lord Ishida Mitsunari against the future Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu at the battle of Sekigahara in 1600. From the set Ikkai zuihitsu, “Essays by Yoshitoshi.” (Ikkai was an early name of Yoshitoshi’s.) A set of thirteen prints published by Masadaya Heikichi 1872/3. A fine set.
Extremely fine impression and colour from the first edition. (There were no red seals on the first edition of this design.) Trimmed on black border at left, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu.
Status: Available
Utagawa YOSHITORA (1836-1887)
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A triptych showing the warrior Inukai Genpachi (the famous character from the Hakkenden) confronting a cat monster which has emanated from a horse on Mount Koshin. Other cat monsters stare in amazement. Published by Kojimaya Jubei, 1850.
Very fine impression. Fine colour. Imperceptible small binding holes, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ichimosai Yoshitora ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Nihonbashi yukibare, “The Nihon Bridge, Clear Weather After Snow.” From the set Meisho Edo hyakkei, “One Hundred Views of Edo.” The set published by Uoya Eikichi 1856-58 (this being 1856). The set comprises 118 prints by Hiroshige and another by Hiroshige II. However, three prints are dated 10/1858, the month following Hiroshige’s death and these are thought to be by Hiroshige II as well. They are: Ueno Yamashita, Ichigaya Hachiman and Bikunibashi. Number 1 from the set and a view of the Sumida River with Mt. Fuji in the distance. This is the starting point for the Tokaido Road.
Fine, early impression with gradation on the roofs and on Mt. Fuji. Fine colour. Margins trimmed a little, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Bingo, Abuto, Kannondo, “Bingo [Province], Abuto Kannon Temple” from Rokujuyoshu meisho zu, “Famous Views of the Sixty-odd Provinces” published by Koshimuraya Heisuke in 1853-56 (this being 1853). The spectacular position of this small Buddhist temple is at the tip of Cape Abusagi overlooking the Seto Island Sea. This is the first edition with the added cloud top left and extra bokashi. The red signature and title labels are double-printed to give a more saturated colour (also found on early impressions of the Thirty-six Views of Fuji set). Provenance: Purchased from me in 1982.
Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Tokaido hidari Fuji, “Fuji Seen from the left on the Tokaido [Road]” from Fuji sanjurokkei, “Thirty-six Views of Fuji” published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. Shows travellers on the Tokaido Road at Oiso with workers in rice paddies beyond.
Fine early impression and colour with the red signature and title labels double-printed to give a more saturated colour. Bottom margin trimmed close, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Okigatsuki-so: Meiji nenken saikyo nakai no fuzoku, “Looking Capable: The Appearance of a Kyoto Waitress in the Meiji Era [1867-1912].” Shows the waitress of a Kyoto geisha house whose job was to act as a go-between for customer and geisha. From a set Thirty-two Aspects of Women published by Tsunashima Kamekichi, 1888. The set depicts women of different backgrounds and occupations from the Kansei era through to the Meiji era with punning allusions to their situation or mood.
Very fine impression of the true first edition. Fine colour and condition. Signed Yoshitoshi ga.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Omota-so: Tempo nenkan Fukagawa karuko no fuzoku, “Looking Weighed-Down: The Appearance of a Waitress at Fukagawa in the Tempo Era [1830-1844].” Shows the waitress carrying a portable wooden table with food to a geisha party from a set Thirty-two Aspects of Women published by Tsunashima Kamekichi, 1888. The set depicts women of different backgrounds and occupations from the Kansei era through to the Meiji era with punning allusions to their situation or mood.
Very fine impression of the true first edition. Fine colour and condition. Signed Yoshitoshi ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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One of a set: Edo Murasaki meisho Genji, “Murasaki’s Genji in Famous Places of Edo.” Mitate Ukifune Sumidagawa no watashi, “A Parody of Ukifune Crossing the Sumida River.” Shows a beauty on a ferry crossing the Sumida River in heavy snow, representing Ukifune, one of the court ladies of the Genji Monogatari. Stylised clouds above and below copying the traditional kiri-gane gold found on Yamato-e scrolls. These Genji pictures were popular at this time to circumvent the reforms of 1842. Published by Kinseido (his seal also appearing on the umbrella bottom right). Rare.
Fine impression. Very good colour. Lower margin trimmed close, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa TOYOKUNI I (1769-1825)
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A surimono showing the actor Ichikawa Danjuro II as Soga no Goro Tokimune holding the giant arrow prior to sharpening it on the large wetstone from the play Yanone Goro. From a series of surimono that paid tribute to the various generations of the Danjuro family. There are two versions of this set of surimono and some ambiguity as to which is the earlier. They are known with blank borders, lacking metallic pigments and signed Ko Toyokuni hitsu (except one design signed Toyokuni II and probably issued in 1833). The other, as here, is signed Toyokuni hitsu, has metallic pigments and the emblem of the Gogawa Poetry Club around the border. The poets were also changed for this issue. It seems that the first version was issued by the Danjuro Fan Club in 1825 and that the reissue, c 1830s, was by the Gogawa. One poem by Ryueishi. The finest design from the set.
Very fine impression with metallic pigments. Fine colour and condition. Signed Toyokuni hitsu.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNISADA (1786-1864)
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A fan print showing the actor Bando Shuka I as Shirai Gonpachi from a set Mitate gonin otoko, go-hiiki no omoizashi, “A Parody of the Five Chivalrous Commoners: A Cup of Sake From Their fans.” Omoizashi means to pour sake for one’s loved one and indicates the adoration of the fans for their actors. Published by Yama-Ta, 2/1852.
Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Toyokuni ga.
Status: Available
Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)
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The actor Nakamura Sagisuke in the role of the samurai attendant Kanji (Chugen Kanji) in the play Kichisama mairu yukari no otozure which was premiered at the Nakamura-za Theatre 15/7/1869. From a set of at least 22 prints published by Gusokuya Kahei, 1869. Kunichika was a hack artist who nevertheless produced some fine triptychs (horizontal and vertical) and this fine set of actor bust portaits.
Fine impression and colour. Slight trimming, otherwise very good condition. Signed Kunichika hitsu.
Status: Available
Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)
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The actor Kawarasaki Sansho (later Ichikawa Danjuro IX) in the role of Sato Masakiyo in the Momoyama Goten Ohiroma scene from Momoyama Monogatari performed at the Ichimura-za Theatre, 8/1869. From a set of at least 22 prints published by Gusokuya Kahei, 1869. Kunichika produced some fine triptychs (horizontal and vertical) as well as this fine set.
Fine impression and colour. Slightly trimmed, otherwise very good condition. Signed Kunichika hitsu.
Status: Available
Shunkosai HOKUEI (FL. 1829-1837)
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A dramatic diptych showing the actor Iwai Shijaku I as Lady Osuma shining her lantern on the actor Bando Jutaro as Sasaya Hanbei from the play Honobonoto ura no asagiri, “Daybreak Hidden on the Bay by Morning Fog.” A revenge drama performed at the Naka no Shibai, Osaka, 9/1832. Hanbei is an accomplice of the villain in the play, Karahashi Daisuke. The confrontation takes place immediately after he has murdered the fiancée of the play’s hero, Kowari Dennai, by throwing her off a cliff. He makes his escape by throwing shuriken (star-shaped throwing blades) at Osuma.
Very fine impression. This is a de-luxe edition of the first state “surimono-style.” The hand-stamped block cutter’s seal “surimono cut by Kasuke” bottom left of second sheet. A later edition missing seal was published by Iden. Fine colour with burnished pattern on Osuma’s costume and the poem above is written in metallic pigment. Fine condition. Signed Shunkosai Hokuei ga with seal fumoto no yuki.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNISADA (1797-1861)
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A fine and interesting original painting, full colour on silk, 11.25 x 20.25 in; 28.5 x 51.5 cms. Shows a reclining beauty looking up at a cuckoo (hototogisu) flying in clouds. The cuckoo is the harbinger of the summer months. This painting, made c 1830, reflects Kunisada’s study, together with Ikkei, of the work of Hanabusa Itcho (1652-1724). Indeed, Ikkei gave Kunisada the name Hanabusa Ittai and this painting is signed Hanabusa Itcho Kunisada ga with seal Hanabusa Ittai Kunisada no in. To the bottom left is an inscription reading “A disciple of Utagawa Kunisada drawn on request [the cuckoo].” There is a small seal but it is undecipherable.
Minor marks but in generally very good condition. Touches of gold and the gofun on the face well retained. Newly mounted with new box.
Status: Available
Hishikawa SORI (Active 1797-1813)
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An original painting, full colour on silk, 43.25 x 14 in; 109.8 x 35.6 cms. An early pupil of Hokusai (who gave him his name Hishikawa Sori in 1798, it previously being Tawaraya). Generally referred to as Sori III. Produced a considerable number of small surimono – some of which can be confused with Hokusai’s work. Shows a beauty with a monkey at her feet. There is a print closely following the painting published in 1906. Illustrated in Nihon ukiyoe hakubutsukan, ed., Nikuhitsu ukiyoe senshu gekan (Selected Painting of Ukiyo-e, second vol.) Tokyo: Gakushu kenkyusha, 1985, plate 193.
In very good condition. Signed Hyakurin Sori ga with seal Sori.
Status: Available
Teisai HOKUBA (1771-1844)
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One of Hokusai’s best pupils. Known for his paintings of beauties but also designed some fine surimono. An original fan painting showing a reclining beauty. Sumi and light red on silvered paper, 7.25 x 17.75 in; 18.5 x 45.2 cms. Removed from a fan, so rib folds and other minor marks. Signed Hokuba ga.
Status: Available
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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Hokusai’s interpretation of a poem by Onakatomi no Yoshinobu Ason (921-991). From an unfinished set: Hyakunin isshu uba ga etoki, “Pictures of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets Explained by the Nurse.” The poems are from an anthology Hyakunin isshu, “One Hundred People, One Poem Each” compiled by the poet Fujiwara no Teika (1162-1241). The poet speaks of his love as being like the fire kept by the guards at the gate to the Imperial Palace: It burns hot only at night. There is actually some doubt that the poem can be attributed to Yoshinobu. Shows a group of off-duty Imperial carriage guards relaxing around the smoking embers of a fire. The poet with his servant is seen sitting on the distant hill. Published by Eijudo, 1835-36. A considerable number of original drawings exist for the set that were not turned into prints and are in various museums and private collections.
Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Saki no Hokusai Manji.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Horikiri no hana shobu, “Iris Garden at Horikiri” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, “Hundred Famous Views of Edo.” Published by Uoya Eikichi, 1856-58 (this being 1857). Horikiri village on the Arakawa River, north of Edo, was famous for growing irises, chrysanthemums, morning glory and azaleas for the Edo market. One of the most popular prints from the set. Provenance: Purchased from me in 2008.
Fine early impression. Fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Kozuke, Harunasan setchu, “Kozuke [Province], Mount Haruna Under Snow.” From a set of 69 prints [Dai Nihon] Rokujuyoshi meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan]” published by Koshihei between 1853 and 1856, this being 1853. A red bridge spans a gorge with precipitous cliffs and a fast flowing river. Fantastic crags point upwards into the sky. In the distance is Mount Haruna – a sleeping volcano.
Very fine impression and colour. Light album backing, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Shows the famous episode from the Edo novel Nanso Satomi hakkenden “Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nanso.” Two of the heroes Inuzuka Shino and Inukai Kempachi fall from the rooftop of Horyukachu Tower, Koga Castle, still grappling with each other and scattering pigeons as they descend into the Tone River. From the set Ikkai zuihitsu, “Essays by Yoshitoshi.” (Ikkai was an early name of Yoshitoshi’s.) A set of thirteen prints published by Masadaya Heikichi 1872/3. A fine set.
Extremely fine impression and colour from the first edition. Most designs from the set have red seals in the margin and red seals over the signature. These were removed on later editions. Margins trimmed a little, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1798-1861)
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Cao Cao (Jap. Shuso) and Pang De (Jap. Hotoku) in the Han river during the battle with Guan Yu. From a set of Chinese warrior prints: Tsuzoku sangokushi eiyu no ichinin, “Heroes of the Popular History of the Three Kingdoms.” Published by Joshuya Kinzo, c. 1836. Robinson S10.8 (although only known as a key-block proof). Rare.
Superb impression. Very fine colour and condition. As the day it was printed. Signed Chooro Kuniyoshi ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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A fine chuban design showing Keyamura Rokusuke (aka Kida Magobee Muneharu), a famous farmer turned samurai and sumo wrestler of incredible strength, doing penance for seven days under the waterfall at Hikosan Gongen praying for his mother. Two Tengu watch from above. Waterfalls were one of the go-to-places to perform filial piety as they were considered to purify the soul in Shinto/Buddhist culture. From a set Honcho nijushiko, “Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety of our Country.” Published by Murataya Tetsu, 1843-6.
Fine impression and colour. Small nick out of top, otherwise very good condition. The signature Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga is on the extreme left edge and is often trimmed.
Status: Available
Watanabe SEITEI (SHOTEI) (1851-1918)
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A large original painting, full colour on silk. Image size 47.25 x 20 in; 120 x 51 cms. Shows Japanese water iris with water striders. Seitei is best known as a kachoga (“bird and flower”) artist. He was technically brilliant showing realistic detail in a Japanese style but with Western sensibilities absorbed while living in Paris and he was, in fact, the first Nihonga artist to reside in Europe. A winner of many prizes during his life. Also published Seitei kacho gafu, 1890-91; Kacho gafu, 1903; Seitei kacho, 1916.
Signed and sealed Shotei. Very good condition. (This painting makes an excellent pair with the following offering although the mount sizes are slightly different.)
Status: Available
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Watanabe SEITEI (SHOTEI) (1851-1918)
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A large original painting, full colour on silk. Image size 47.25 x 20 in; 120 x 51 cms. Shows Japanese water iris with a snail. Seitei is best known as a kachoga (“bird and flower”) artist. He was technically brilliant showing realistic detail in a Japanese style but with Western sensibilities absorbed while living in Paris and he was, in fact, the first Nihonga artist to reside in Europe. A winner of many prizes during his life. Also published Seitei kacho gafu, 1890-91; Kacho gafu, 1903; Seitei kacho, 1916.
Signed and sealed Shotei. Very good condition. (This painting makes an excellent pair with the above offering although the mount sizes are slightly different.)
Status: Available
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Kawanabe KYOSAI (1831-1889)
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A large original painting, full colour on silk, image size 48 x 21.75 in; 122 x 55.25 cms. A draughtsman of great dexterity with a wild, often bizzare , imagination. Loved sake, sometimes painting under its influence. At an early stage studied under Kuniyoshi, then Maemura Towa and later Kano Chinshin before becoming an independent painter at 27. Adept at highly finshed paintings but also produced a large corpus of spontaneous paintings. Shows a standing courtesan with her kamuro. An homage to Hokusai whom he obviously admired.
Highly finished in places but also incorporating quirky elements of Hokusai’s style. Signed Hokusai hitsu-i (“Imitating Hokusai’s brush”) Shojo Kyosai. In very good condition with old double box with an untranslatable annotation on inside of lid comparing him to Hokusai. An important new discovery.
Status: Available
Kitagawa FUJIMARO (1790-1850)
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An original painting, full colour on silk, image size 35.25 x 13.5 in; 89.5 x 34.5 cms. Fujimaro was a talented late pupil of Utamaro. More than a dozen paintings are recorded by him including an example in the Portland Art Museum, acc. number 69.51. His best-known work is in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum depicting Yujyo risshi-zu and another four paintings of beauties in the four seasons is in the collection of the Ota Memorial Museum of Art, Tokyo. Shows a standing courtesan beside a vase containing peonies and cherry blossom. On her sumptuous costume are the black wheels of a hanaguruma, “flower cart.” These vehicles carried baskets with often elaborate arrangements of flowers. It seems more than coincidence that the vase is placed where the basket would have been on the cart.
Painted c 1820. Signed Fujimaro with seal Yozan. Newly remounted and in fine condition with new box and futo-maki (thick wooden roll to preserve the painting from damage).
Status: Available
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Shunchosai HOKUSHU (Active 1822-32)
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Onoe Kikugoro III as the ghost of Oiwa in Irohagana yotsuya kaidan, “Ghost Story of Yotsuya.” Performed at the Kado Theatre, 1/1826. Probably the best known Japanese ghost story and has been made into a number of films. Tamiya Iemon, a masterless samurai, murders the wife he has disfigured who comes back to haunt him until he is driven mad and subsequently killed by Oiwa’s brother. Evidently, Kikugoro’s performance was something of a sensation at the time as he gave a bravura performance playing both the ghost of Oiwa and Koheiji who were nailed on opposite sides of a panel dropped into the river. There are at least five states of this print. The first appears to be that illustrated in Roger Keyes, The Theatrical World Of Osaka Prints, Philadelphia Museum Of Art, 1973, no. 34, p. 108 with the engraver and two printers and the writing printed in silver. The example offered here appears to be a second state without the engraver and printers’ seal but with the writing still printed in silver. Other impressions with different seals and lacking the first three lines of writing and the silver are known. See The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum of Waseda University catalogue, Kamigata Prints in the former period: part 1, nos. 279 and 280. Also BM impression 1962,0210,0.2 which may be the last state.
Fine impression and colour with calligraphy in silver. Very good condition; full size. Signed Shunchosai Hokushu ga.
Status: Available
Katsukawa SHUNSHO (1726-1792)
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An hosoban showing the actor Nakamura Utaemon I as a samurai in nagabakama and kamishimo ceremonial dress as worn during the Muromachi period (1336-1392). He holds a fan and a globe. Shunsho was the pre-eminent exponent of the hosoban format. Published c 1770.
Fine impression. Unusual blue ground found on a few Shunsho designs. Slight discolouration on verso showing through, otherwise good condition. Signed Shunsho ga with the jar-shaped (tsubo) seal.
Status: Available
Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)
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A diptych showing the actor Ichikawa Danjuro IX as Kamakura Gongoro Kagemasa in the drama Shibaraku, “Just a moment.” The large sansho (three square) motif was the symbol of the Danjuro clan and is repeated around the border. In the background are peonies, also associated with the Danjuro clan. Published by Tanaka Katsuzo, 1878.
Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Oju Toyohara Kunchika hitsu.
Status: Available
Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)
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An amorous couple from an unsigned abuna-e (from abunai, risqué) set of twelve prints Keisai higo, “Secret Words of a Courtesan” published c. 1822-25. Although coming under the heading of shunga, each print is without any graphic details. She adjusts his hair with her hairpin while he smokes a pipe.
Fine impression, colour and condition. (Without centre fold, which is often encountered on this set.
Status: Available
Suzuki HARUNOBU (1724-1770)
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A beauty standing beside a stream where wild chrysanthemums grow. A mitate-e (parody) of Kikujido, the Chrysanthemum Boy, who was the favourite of the Chinese Emperor Mu (c. 950 B.C.). However, because of court jealousy, he was banished but had his exile eased by the Emperor who gifted him the ability to read sacred Buddhist texts. He became an immortal, spending his days surrounded by chrysanthemums and inscribing words of peace on the flowers’ petals. This is the second state: The first (private edition) is a calendar print with a signature (of an amateur) Kinga Ko and seal and has the year and its cyclical signs for 1766. These Harunobu calendar prints, printed in small numbers, were commissioned by wealthy individuals between c. 1764 and 1766 and so popular that they were published commercially. Rare.
Very good impression and colour Very minor edge soil, otherwise very good condition. Signed Suzuki Harunobu ga.
Status: Available
Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)
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An amorous couple beside a screen decorated with a large chrysanthemum. From a set of twelve prints Keisei higo, “Secret Words of a Courtesan” published c 1822-25. Although coming under the heading of shunga, each print is an abuna-e design, without any graphic detail. Shows a courtesan with her client. She turns to tie the iwata-sash which indicates she is pregnant.
Fine impression. Very fine colour. Fine condition.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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2 vols. complete: Kanjaku tsuizen hanashidori, “The Liberated Birds: A Memorial Book for Kanjaku.” A memorial book for the actor Nakamura Utaemon who died in 1852. He had the literary name of Kanjaku, meaning ”playing with sparrows” and the covers and many illustrations allude to this custom of releasing birds at funerals. Vol. 1: 1st preface , 3pp. giving the biography of Utaemon IV; poem 1p. 3 sheets: calligraphy (in ishizuri), 1p.; illustrations in colour, 5pp. signed on first page Toyokuni (III). Sheets 1-8: 2nd preface, 5pp., remaining pp. text, poems and colour illustrations. Sheets 1-75 with 15 single-page and 62 double-page illustrations in sumi and light colour. Inside back cover: colophon dated Kaei 5 (1852). Vol. 2: 110 sheets of text, poems, and illustrations. 38 single-page and 50 double-page illustrations (many in colour and includes a double-page illustration by Kuniyoshi). Last page, colophon, dated Kaei 5 (1852). Original covers with clouds and sparrows. Some soil and minor damage. One title slip missing and other damaged. Contents extremely good.
Status: Available
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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Volume 11 from the Manga. Front cover with original pink title slip: (Denshin kaishu) Hokusai manga juichihen, (“Transmitted from the Gods.”) “Hokusai’s Sketches, Vol. 11.” Original grey covers with burnished wave and diamond pattern. Inside front cover catalogue of newly published books; 2 pages preface and 29 numbered pages comprising 56 illustrations , 36 single page and 10 double page. 2 pages block-holders catalogue and inside back cover catalogue of newly published books. The extremely rare first edition published by Eirakuya Toshiro, Nagoya, c. 1834. The Manga was eventually completed in 15 volumes (the last two posthumously). The first 10 volumes published by Kadomaruya Jinsuke, Edo and Eirakuya Toshiro, Nagoya, 1814-1819; vols. 11 and 12 by Eirakuya only, c. 1834; vol. 13 by Eirakuya only, c. 1849; vol. 14 by Eirakuya only, c. 1850s; vol. 15 by Eirakuya only, 1878. Initially based on sketches produced on a visit to his friend and pupil Maki Bokusen in Nagoya in 1812. These sketches were collated by Bokusen and Katsushika Hoku’un and published in 1814. Other pupils collected sketches and so the set expanded. The books were enormously influential and popular, not just in Japan, but in the West and were endlessly reprinted giving rise to a plethora of late editions. In 1831, the German Phillip Franz von Siebold, reproduced images from the Manga in lithograph in his Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japon. They were also highly admired by the Impressionists, especially Manet and Bracquemond.
Fine impressions of the first edition. Some minor defects but otherwise in very good condition.
Status: Available
Suzuki HARUNOBU (1724-1770)
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Two volumes complete: Ehon haru no nishiki, “Picture Book: The Brocades of Spring.” Vol. 1: 1 page preface dated Kanoto U (1770); single page and 8 double page colour prints. Vol. 2: 1 single page and 8 double page colour prints. 1 page colophon with date, publisher, block-cutter and artist as Suzuki Harunobu with his seal. 2 pages publisher’s announcements. Published by Yamazaki Kimbe, Edo. This is the first edition, Meiwa 8 (1771). Other copies are in the MFA, Boston, acc. no. 1997.477.1-2 and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, acc. no. 1970-46-1. Provenance: Ex collections H.M.Kaempfer and Hayashi (their seals on the first page of each volume). Original covers and title slips. Covers worn. Some soil and edge restoration.
Very good impressions with generally very good colour. Rare in the first edition.
Status: Available
Kikugawa EIZAN (1787-1867)
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An early complete 5-sheet (pentaptych) design being a mitate-e of a daimyo’s procession along Kugenuma beach with Enoshima island and Mt. Fuji in the background. Harugasumi hana iki retsu, “Journey in the Spring Mist.” The regional feudal lords (daimyo) were required every alternative year to travel to the capital of Edo. This was a deliberately costly affair and secured their loyalty as they had to leave their families in Edo. In this design young women replace the daimyo’s retinue. Published by Kawaguchiya Uhei, 1811-14. Its rare to find 5 or 6-sheet prints complete.
Fine impression and colour. Light album backing, otherwise very good condition. Signed Kikugawa Eizan hitsu.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Samu-so: Tempo nenkan Fukagawa Nakamachi geisha fuzoku, “Looking Frozen: The Appearance of a Fukagawa Nakamachi Geisha in the Tempo Era [1830-1844].” Shows a beauty caught in a snowstorm, her umbrella laden with snow from a set Thirty-two Aspects of Women published by Tsunashima Kamekichi, 1888. The set depicts women of different backgrounds and occupations from the Kansei era through to the Meiji era with punning allusions to their situation or mood.
Very fine impression of the true first edition. Fine colour and condition. Signed Yoshitoshi ga.
Status: Available