Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Shows the warrior Zhang Fei (Jap. Yokutoku) awaiting his rival Cao Cao on Changban bridge. Fei tricks his enemy into thinking he leads a vast army by dragging logs from a nearby forest causing a huge dust cloud. Cao Cao retreats. The story is from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Chi. Sanguo yanyi). From the set Ikkai zuihitsu, “Essays by Yoshitoshi.” (Ikkai was an early name of Yoshitoshi’s.) A set of thirteen prints published by Masadaya Heikichi 1872/3. A fine set.
Extremely fine impression and colour from the first edition. Fine burnishing on the horse. Most designs from the set have red seals in the margin and red seals over the signature. These were removed on later editions. Margins trimmed a little, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Shows Tobosaku (who stole the Peaches of Immortality), Miura Daisuke Yoshiaki (Lord of Kinugasa castle), and the son of Urashima Taro (who saved the sea turtle and was carried to the Dragon King’s Palace) drinking wine. From the set Ikkai zuihitsu, “Essays by Yoshitoshi.” (Ikkai was an early name of Yoshitoshi’s.) A set of thirteen prints published by Masadaya Heikichi 1872/3. A fine set.
Extremely fine impression and colour from the first edition. (No seals on the first edition.) Margins trimmed a little, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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Shows the bloodied western army commander, Shima Sakon, having severed the head of Sato Daihachi, which flies through the air at Horagatoge Pass. Sakon lead an army of his Lord Ishida Mitsunari against the future Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu at the battle of Sekigahara in 1600. From the set Ikkai zuihitsu, “Essays by Yoshitoshi.” (Ikkai was an early name of Yoshitoshi’s.) A set of thirteen prints published by Masadaya Heikichi 1872/3. A fine set.
Extremely fine impression and colour from the first edition. (There were no red seals on the first edition of this design.) Trimmed on black border at left, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1798-1861)
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Cao Cao (Jap. Shuso) and Pang De (Jap. Hotoku) in the Han river during the battle with Guan Yu. From a set of Chinese warrior prints: Tsuzoku sangokushi eiyu no ichinin, “Heroes of the Popular History of the Three Kingdoms.” Published by Joshuya Kinzo, c. 1836. Robinson S10.8 (although only known as a key-block proof). Rare.
Superb impression. Very fine colour and condition. As the day it was printed. Signed Chooro Kuniyoshi ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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A fine chuban design showing Keyamura Rokusuke (aka Kida Magobee Muneharu), a famous farmer turned samurai and sumo wrestler of incredible strength, doing penance for seven days under the waterfall at Hikosan Gongen praying for his mother. Two Tengu watch from above. Waterfalls were one of the go-to-places to perform filial piety as they were considered to purify the soul in Shinto/Buddhist culture. From a set Honcho nijushiko, “Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety of our Country.” Published by Murataya Tetsu, 1843-6.
Fine impression and colour. Small nick out of top, otherwise very good condition. The signature Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga is on the extreme left edge and is often trimmed.
Status: Available
Utagawa Toyokuni II (1777-1835)
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An aizuri-e (blue print) showing the courtesan Utagawa of Tamaya admiring a bowl of carnations. From a set Bijin awase published by Shimizu, c. late 1820s. These blue prints using the imported bero, Berlin blue (what we called Prussian blue), became popular during the 1820s to 1840s as the cost came down.
Fine impression and colour. Trimmed slightly, otherwise very good condition. Signed Toyokuni ga.
Status: Available
Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)
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An amorous couple from an unsigned abuna-e (from abunai, risqué) set of twelve prints Keisai higo, “Secret Words of a Courtesan” published c. 1822-25. Although coming under the heading of shunga, each print is without any graphic details. She adjusts his hair with her hairpin while he smokes a pipe.
Fine impression, colour and condition. (Without centre fold, which is often encountered on this set.
Status: Available
Suzuki HARUNOBU (1724-1770)
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A beauty standing beside a stream where wild chrysanthemums grow. A mitate-e (parody) of Kikujido, the Chrysanthemum Boy, who was the favourite of the Chinese Emperor Mu (c. 950 B.C.). However, because of court jealousy, he was banished but had his exile eased by the Emperor who gifted him the ability to read sacred Buddhist texts. He became an immortal, spending his days surrounded by chrysanthemums and inscribing words of peace on the flowers’ petals. This is the second state: The first (private edition) is a calendar print with a signature (of an amateur) Kinga Ko and seal and has the year and its cyclical signs for 1766. These Harunobu calendar prints, printed in small numbers, were commissioned by wealthy individuals between c. 1764 and 1766 and so popular that they were published commercially. Rare.
Very good impression and colour Very minor edge soil, otherwise very good condition. Signed Suzuki Harunobu ga.
Status: Available
Kikugawa EIZAN (1787-1867)
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The geisha Hinaogi of the Daikokuya preparing to play the koto. She is adjusting the tsume (plectra) on her fingers that were used to pluck the strings. The title is enigmatic: It reads Ka getsu kai, “Harbinger of Moon and Flower” and if the character for “moon” is omitted it reads “oiran” (the highest ranking courtesan). Published by Enomotoya Kichibei, c. early 1830s. There is in fact a later copy of this print by Kunisada.
Fine impression. Excellent colour. Very good condition. Signed Eizan hitsu.
Status: Available
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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Hokusai’s interpretation of a poem by Onakatomi no Yoshinobu Ason (921-991). From an unfinished set: Hyakunin isshu uba ga etoki, “Pictures of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets Explained by the Nurse.” The poems are from an anthology Hyakunin isshu, “One Hundred People, One Poem Each” compiled by the poet Fujiwara no Teika (1162-1241). The poet speaks of his love as being like the fire kept by the guards at the gate to the Imperial Palace: It burns hot only at night. There is actually some doubt that the poem can be attributed to Yoshinobu. Shows a group of off-duty Imperial carriage guards relaxing around the smoking embers of a fire. The poet with his servant is seen sitting on the distant hill. Published by Eijudo, 1835-36. A considerable number of original drawings exist for the set that were not turned into prints and are in various museums and private collections.
Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Saki no Hokusai Manji.
Status: Available
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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A sheet of original studies, sumi on thin paper, 10.5 x 15 in; 26.6 x 38 cms. Of particular interest and importance is the self-portrait in the upper right, This is another version of the famous self-portrait at the age of 83 (1842) sent to his publisher. Illustrated in Hokusai Drawings, J. Hiller, Phaidon, 1966, ill. No. 110 from the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, Netherlands. Provenance: Ex Henri Vever collection, seal bottom right.
One small wormhole, otherwise in very good condition.
Status: Available
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Ryuryukyo SHINSAI (1764-1820)
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An original painting, sumi and light colour on silk, 32 x 11 in; 81.3 x 28 csms. Shows three classes in Japanese society: Farmer’s wife, Priest and a Samurai, forced to shelter together at the entrance to a Shinto shrine from a sudden downpour of rain. Above, a rooster and hen also shelter. These birds were allowed to roam freely around Shinto Temples. Shinsai was one of Hokusai’s best pupils. Known for his fine surimono and paintings. Signed Ryuryukyo Shinsai with Ryuryukyo seal. In good condition.
Status: Available
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Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Fuchu from The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido published by Marusei, Maruya Seijiro, 1847-52. Called the Reisho Tokaido because of the angular style of Kanji used. Travellers coming and going at the entrance to the station. One of the best designs from the set. Provenance: Ex Hayashi collection with seal below title cartouche.
Fine impression and colour. Very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Horikiri no hana shobu, “Iris Garden at Horikiri” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, “Hundred Famous Views of Edo.” Published by Uoya Eikichi, 1856-58 (this being 1857). Horikiri village on the Arakawa River, north of Edo, was famous for growing irises, chrysanthemums, morning glory and azaleas for the Edo market. One of the most popular prints from the set. Provenance: Purchased from me in 2008.
Fine early impression. Fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Harima Tatsuyama, “Mount Tatsu [Dragon] in Harima [Province]” from a set of twenty prints Sankai mitate zumo, “Wrestling Matches Between Mountains and Sea.” A fanciful and imaginative title lacking in other Hiroshige sets. Comprises of ten prints of mountains and ten prints of harbours. A fine snow scene. Published by Yamadaya Shojiro, 1858. The title is in a wrestling umpire’s fan (gunbai).
Fine impression of the first edition: Later printings have a solid red in the title cartouche instead of variegated colour and lack other subtleties. Fine colour with oxidation. Very slight discoloration in top right margin and imperceptible centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Hishikawa MOROSHIGE (Fl. 1684-1704)
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An original painting, sumi and full colour on paper, 24 x 12 in; 61 x 30.5 cms. Shows a beautiful youth (a wakashu) dressed as a girl with his attendant servant. These youths (identified as male by wearing a sword) were arbiters of trend-setting kimono design. They are sometimes referred to as the “third gender,” and were sexually ambiguous being objects of desire to both adult men and women. Moroshige was the senior pupil of Hishikawa Moronobu, and, it is said, was the father of Furuyama Moromasa. Some toning of paper and slight loss of pigment, but all commensurate with a painting of this age. Otherwise good condition. Painted around 1700.
Signed Hishikawa Moroshige zu with seal Moroshige. A fine and interesting painting.
Status: Available
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Utagawa KUNISADA (1786-1865)
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The actor Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Arajishi Otokonosuke from a set Mitate sanjurokkasen no uchi, “An Imaginary Thirty-six Poets.” A famous early compilation; in this case the image is inspired by a poem of Mibu no Tadamine. Otokonosuke is usually depicted about to strike his adversary Nikki Danjo -who has turned into a rat – with an iron fan (leaving a red mark on the rat’s/Danjo’s head). Published by Iseya Kanekichi, 1852.
Very fine early impression. Fine colour. Very small binding holes, otherwise very good condition. Signed Toyokuni ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNISADA (1786-1865)
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The actor Segawa Kikunojo III as the Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree from a set Mitate sanjurokkasen no uchi, “An Imaginary Thirty-six Poets.” A famous early compilation; in this case the image is inspired by a poem of Fujiwara no Motozane. The spirit is the courtesan Kurozome who appears to combat the evil plans of Sekibei (actually Otomo no Kuronushi) to cut the tree down. Published by Iseya Kanekichi, 1852.
Fine impression. Fine colour. Very small binding holes otherwise very good condition. Signed Toyokuni ga.
Status: Available
Toba HIROMARU (Active 1804-1818)
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An original painting showing a parading courtesan. Sumi and colour on paper, 45.5 x 11.25 in; 115.5 x 28.5 cms. A rare artist of the Utagawa school. Probably a pupil of Utagawa Toyohiro. His extant paintings show a considerable talent with particularly attenuated faces. Another example is in the MFA, Boston, acc. no. 11.7369 as well as there having been two sold at auction: Christies, NY 16/9/2003, lot 153 and Bonhams NY 18/3/2015, lot 3010. Some minor marks and creasing, but otherwise good condition. Signed Toba Hiromaru hitsu. Seal unread.
Status: Available
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Kawanabe KYOSAI (1831-1889)
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A large original painting, full colour on silk, image size 48 x 21.75 in; 122 x 55.25 cms. A draughtsman of great dexterity with a wild, often bizzare , imagination. Loved sake, sometimes painting under its influence. At an early stage studied under Kuniyoshi, then Maemura Towa and later Kano Chinshin before becoming an independent painter at 27. Adept at highly finshed paintings but also produced a large corpus of spontaneous paintings. Shows a standing courtesan with her kamuro. An homage to Hokusai whom he obviously admired.
Highly finished in places but also incorporating quirky elements of Hokusai’s style. Signed Hokusai hitsu-i (“Imitating Hokusai’s brush”) Shojo Kyosai. In very good condition with old double box with an untranslatable annotation on inside of lid comparing him to Hokusai. An important new discovery.
Status: Available
Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)
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A diptych showing the actor Ichikawa Danjuro IX as Kamakura Gongoro Kagemasa in the drama Shibaraku, “Just a moment.” The large sansho (three square) motif was the symbol of the Danjuro clan and is repeated around the border. In the background are peonies, also associated with the Danjuro clan. Published by Tanaka Katsuzo, 1878.
Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Oju Toyohara Kunchika hitsu.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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An o-tanzaku print, Yugao chapter from the fifty-four chapters of Genji, the Genji Monogatari. A tenth century romance written by Murasaki Shikibu. From a set Buyu nazoraye Genji, “Heroic Comparisons for the Chapters of Genji.” In this case showing Benkei creeping up on Ushiwaka on Gojo Bridge in Kyoto. The story relates how Benkei only needs one more blade to add to the 999 he has wrenched from samurai attempting to cross the bridge in order to fashion an invincible weapon. Benkei loses the fight and becomes Yoshitsune’s loyal retainer. Published by Ibaya Sensaburo, c. 1843.
Fine impression and colour. Very good condition. Signed Cho-o-ro Kuniyoshi ga.
Status: Available
Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)
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A triptych Taira Kiyomori hi no yamai no zu, “The Fever of Taira no Kiyomori.” Kiyomori’s wife, Niidono, dreams that the King of Hell, Ema, is coming for Kiyomori for his crime of burning the Rushana Buddha. His family gather around him and pray but to no avail. He dies on the 4/2/1181. Shows Niidono and her son beside a convulsed Kiyomori. Behind are visions of hell with Ema and figures who may have been Kiyomori’s victims. Published by Akiyama Buemon, 1883.
Fine impression, colour and condition. A lovely copy of this triptych. Signed Yoshitoshi ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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Ichikawa Kodanji IV as the ghost of Asakura Togo in the play Higashiyama Sakura zoshi, “The Story of Sakura of Higashiyama.” Based on historical events in 1653 with the characters’ names changed (Asakura Togo was actually Sakura Sogoro). The story tells of a village chief who was forced to witness the beheading of his sons before being crucified by the cruel samurai Lord Hotta Kozuki, after he had protested at the levy of unfair taxes. Sakura’s ghost returns to haunt Hotta’s castle. In fact the left sheet of a diptych. However, nearly always sold as a single sheet as the other side does not marry up, is undistinguished and was probably sold separately. Published by Sumiyoshi Masagoro, 1851. Beside the signature is the seal shita-uri, “low sale” meaning it was sold “under the counter” due to censorship laws prevalent at the time. This is the very rare first edition with the carver’s seal Hori Take, Yokokawa Takejiro, to the right of the publisher’s seal on the left. This was removed on later editions. One of the great ghost prints.
Fine impression, colour and condition with gum applied to the eyes (only found on the first edition).Signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE II (1829-1869)
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An original painting, full colour on silk, 37 x 14 in; 94 x 35.5 cms. The pupil of Hiroshige I who gave him the name Shigenobu. Adopted by Hiroshige in 1845 and married his daughter, Otatsu, on Hiroshige’s death. (Later divorcing her around 1865.) Shows a beauty cooling off on the prow of a boat beneath a full moon and the trestles of a bridge. (Probably the Ohashi over the Sumida River.)
In very good condition and possibly his best painting. Signed Hiroshige ga, seal unread.
Status: Available
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Yamamoto FUJINOBU (Active 1750-1770)
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An original painting, full colour on paper, image size 32.25 x 7 in; 82 x 18 cms. Shows a parading courtesan with her kamuro. A painter and print artist whose prints were always published by Yamamoto Fusanobu giving rise to the theory that Fujinobu was a pseudonym of the publisher. Much influenced by Harunobu. His prints are extremely rare. Slight creasing, otherwise good condition. Signed Fujinobu ga with indistinct seal.
Status: Available
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Kawanabe KYOSAI (1831-1889)
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A fine original Kyosai painting, full colour on silk, 47.5 x 16.5 in; 121 x 42 cms. Shows Emma, the King of Hell, walking with and holding an umbrella above a courtesan while a ghoulish oni looks on wearing a costume of gunnera leaves. Emma-O is the Japanese Buddhist version of Yama, the Hindu god of death. It was he who assigned people after death to one of the states of reincarnation. He is shown with the headdress, robes and holding the staff of a Chinese judge. The preparatory drawing for this painting is illustrated in Kawanabe Kyosai, In Honour of 100TH Anniversary of His Death, published by Ukiyoe Ota Kinen Bijutsuken, 1989, no. 61, p. 60. Kyosai was a draughtsman of great dexterity with a wild, often bizarre, imagination. Loved sake, sometimes painting under its influence. At an early stage studied under Kuniyoshi, then Maemura Towa and later Kano Chinshin before becoming an independent painter at 27. Adept at highly finished paintings but also produced a large corpus of spontaneous paintings.
In very good condition. Signed Seisai Kyosai with Kyosai seal.
Status: Available
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Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Oki Province, Takuhi Shrine. From a set of 69 prints [Dai Nihon] Rokujuyoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan]” published by Koshihei between 1853 and 1856, this being 1853. The prows of two boats near the island of Nishinoshima. A torii seen at the top of the print indicates the Takuhi Shrine, one of the most important shrines dedicated to the gods of the sea.
Fine impression and colour. Light album backing, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Shinano, Sarashina tagoto no tsuki, Kyodaisan, “Shinano [Province], the Moon Reflected in the Sarashina Paddy-fields, Mount Kyodai.” This was a popular destination for outings to view the multiple reflections. From a set of 69 prints [Dai Nihon] Rokujuyoshi meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan]” published by Koshimuraya Heisuke between 1853 and 1856, this being 1853.
Fine, early impression. Fine colour and condition with large margins. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869)
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A view of a smoking Mt Asama, Shinano Province, from Shokoku meisho hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Famous Places in the Provinces.” Mt Asama is an active volcano which violently erupted in 1108. Subsequently there was another eruption in 1783 and since then there have been minor tremors. Published by Uoya Eikichi between 1859 and 1861 (this being 1859).
Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Available
Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)
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The actor Nakamura Shikan IV as Ishikawa Hachizaemon in the play Chuko musashi no abumi staged at the Nakamura-za Theatre in 4/1869. From a set of at least 22 prints published by Gusokuya Kahei, 1869. Kunichika was a hack artist who nevertheless produced some fine triptychs (horizontal and vertical) and this fine set of actor bust portaits.
Fine impression and colour. Minor edge soil, otherwise very good condition. Signed Kunichika hitsu.
Status: Available
Shunbaisai HOKUEI (Active 1824-1837)
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Shows the actor Arashi Rikan II as the yako Koman holding a shakuhachi and posed within a wooden frame in the play Sugata kurabe deiri no minato, “Comparison of Fighting Figures at the Harbour.” Performed in 1834 at the Naka Theatre, Osaka. A yako was a chivalrous servant, usually of a samurai. Rare: Another impression is in the MIA, acc. no P.75.51.188.
Fine impression with the woodgrain enhanced on the background. Fine colour and condition. Signed Shunbaisai Hokuei ga with the carver’s seal bottom right Kasuke.
Status: Available
Kitagawa UTAMARO II (Fl. c 1807-1830s)
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A courtesan and her Shinzo from a set Edo murasaki edoru hinagata, “Models Designed in the Purple of Edo.” A bluish purple as opposed to the more reddish purple from Kyoto. A pigment that had been extremely expensive and reserved for the elite few, but became cheaper and more accessible during the Edo period, fuelled by leading actors – such as Danjuro – wearing an Edo murasaki headband. Published 11/1807. Publisher unread.
Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Utamaro hitsu.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNISADA (1786-1865)
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A courtesan biting on a tissue about to write a love letter from the set Ukiyoe jinsei tengankyo, “Types of the Floating World Seen Through a Physiognomist’s Glass.” The glass top right. These professionals who purported to look at people’s features and give counsel based on their countenance were called Ninsomi or simply Somi. This set of ten prints showing different female personalities have their characteristics written up above. Utamaro produced two fine sets based on this theme in 1792-4 and c 1802: Fuji ninso jupon and Bijin gomenso. The clenching of the tissue is always an indication of arousal. Published c 1830 by Moriya Jihei (Kinshindo).
Fine impression with blind-printing. Fine colour. Small repaired binding holes and very slight trimming, otherwise very good condition. Signed Gototei Kunisada ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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An original drawing, sumi on thin paper laid onto Japanese paper, 6.5 x 9.25 in; 15.9 x 23.5 cms. A heavily muscled individual (Benkei ?) dispatching two adversaries. Sold “as is” with all imperfections common to surviving drawings. Two areas of pentimenti.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNISADA (1786-1864)
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An original hanshita-e (preparatory drawing) for a triptych showing, from the left, Nakamura Kamenojo I as the geisha Azuma standing above Kawarasaki Gonjuro I as Yamazakiya Yogoro, Bando Kamezo I as Settanaoshi Chogoro standing above Onoe Kikugoro IV as Kumasaka Ocho, and Onoe Kikugoro IV as Akogi Gennojo standing above Onoe Kikujiro II as Onnadayu Okoyo. The play was Yume musubu cho ni torioi performed at the Ichimura-za theatre 3/1856. These first drafts by the artist themselves survive because a more detailed drawing was needed by the blockcutter, and this was normally given to an assistant to execute. Or the drawing was never taken up by the publisher, for whatever reason. Sumi and touches of red with some pentimenti. (This was also most likely a published print by Sanoki as it is from the same group as others offered here.) Signed on two sheets Toyoukuni ga.
Status: Available
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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A fine large original drawing, sumi on thin paper, 12 x 18.5 in; 30.4 x 47 cms. Shows battling women holding what appear to be wooden swords. Two seals at the bottom which appear to be the publisher Honmo who published 1855-56. Provenance: Ex collection Dr. Julius Kurth (1870-1949), an eminent scholar who wrote extensively on Japanese and Chinese art.
Sold “as is” but in good condition.
Status: Available
Utagawa YOSHITORA (1836-1887)
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A triptych showing the warrior Inukai Genpachi (the famous character from the Hakkenden) confronting a cat monster which has emanated from a horse on Mount Koshin. Other cat monsters stare in amazement. Published by Kojimaya Jubei, 1850.
Very fine impression. Fine colour. Imperceptible small binding holes, otherwise fine condition. Signed Ichimosai Yoshitora ga.
Status: Available