

Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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A snow scene: Meguro taikobashi yuhi no oka, “Drum Bridge and Sunset Hill, Meguro” from Edo meisho hyakkei, “The Hundred Famous Views of Edo.” Published by Uoya Eikichi between Ansei 3 and 5 ( 1856 – 58 ). This design dated Snake 4 ( 1857 ).

Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

Status: Sold

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    Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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    Satta Fuji, “Mount Fuji from Satta.” From the early set of fifteen prints Honcho meisho, “Famous Views of our Country” published by Fujiokaya Hikotaro, c.1837. ( In fact three designs were commissioned in 1832 but the set suspended, only to be resurrected after the success of the first Tokaido series. ) The steep Satta Pass gave a wonderful view of Fuji. Interestingly, the best design from the Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, Suruga satta kaijo ( “The Wave” ) gives another view of how wild the sea could be here. Rare.

    Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige.

    Status: Sold

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      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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      An untitled kakemono generally referred to as the Snow Gorge. Shows the Fuji River flowing between steep, snowy cliffs. The river eventually flows into Suruga Bay. It is known that Hiroshige visited this region in 4/1842 and he probably crossed the Fuji River. Published by Sanoya Kihei, c.1834-4. Rare.

      Very good impression and colour. Two unidentified ( Japanese ? ) collectors’ seals on reverse which slightly show through to front. Ample space for joining. Signed Hiroshige hitsu.

      Status: Sold

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        Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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        A distant view of Mount Daisen [ Oyama ] in Hoki Province. One of the best designs from Rokuju yoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces.” The set published by Koshimuraya Heisuke between 7/1853 and 3/1856 ( this being 12/1853 ). White rain ( printed with gofun ) falls on groups of peasants planting rice. A lovely design, the edges of the paddy fields zig-zagging into the distance. This is the rare first edition with blue and yellow diagonal bands on the sub-cartouche.

        Fine impression with strong woodgrain showing. Fine colour. Margins slightly trimmed and one small sumi smudge, otherwise fine. Another state of the first edition has the grey block and the mountain printed darker. Signed Hiroshige ga.

        Status: Sold

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          Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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          An iconic image from Hiroshige’s oeuvre: Mountains and Rivers on the Kiso Road, Kisoji no yamakawa. A majestic snow scene showing a rugged part of the Kisokaido Road. One of the oldest in Japan, becoming less important after the Tokaido Road was constructed, which was faster and easier. Although no series title this is from a trinity of designs depicting Snow ( as here ), Moon and Flowers. These were the last three great prints Hiroshige designed. All are rare, especially Snow and Moon. Published 1857 by Okasawaya Taheiji.

          Fine impression and colour. Slight yellowing of the paper, otherwise fine condition. Completely untrimmed. Matching sheets with extra paper all round. ( These three designs are martyres to trimming. ) Signed Hiroshige hitsu.

          Status: Sold

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            Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)

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            Toto Asakusa Honganji, “Fuji from the Roof of the Hongan Temple, Asakusa, in the Eastern Capital” from Hokusai’s most celebrated set: Fugaku sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji.” The set of 46 prints published by Eijudo, c 1830-32. This appears to be a New Year view judging by the kite being flown and the drum tower being erected to the left. The workmen repairing the roof, to the right, would also appear to be preparing for the New Year.

            Very good impression: Blue outline. ( Later editions have black, but these impressions are very late. ) Known with and without red Eijudo and kiwame seals. Slight centre fold and several backed pin holes at bottom and left side at base. Signed Zen Hokusai Iitsu hitsu.

            Status: Sold

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              Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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              Kameido Umeyashiki, “The Plum Garden at Kameido.” Umeyashiki is the name of the plum garden on the bank of the Sumida River behind the Tenman Shrine at Kameido. From Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being 1857 ). A famous design because of Van Gogh’s 1887 copy. The tree was called Resting Dragon Plum and the branches grew so long that they penetrated the ground resulting in new shoots.

              Good impression. Very good condition and colour. Signed Hiroshige ga.

              Status: Sold

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                Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                Fukagawa Suzaki jumantsubo. The one hundred-thousand tsubo [ an area of measure ] plain, Suzaki, Fukagawa, from Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being 1857 ). An eagle hovers over the snowy coastal plain at Suzaki with Mount Tsukuba and the Chiba mountains in the distance. This and the other similar designs from the set with large foreground objects were of particular interest to the Post Impressionists, and indeed, this design was considered by many collectors at the turn of the 19th century to be the finest print from the set. It is still judged to be one of the major designs.

                Very good impression. Fine colour. Very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                Status: Sold

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                  Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                  “Evening Rain at Kozumi”, Kozumi no yau from the early set Kanazawa hakkei, “Eight Views in Kanazawa” published by Koshimuraya Heisuke, c 1835-6. This is an extremely rare and fine set and examples in good condition are very difficult to find. Each print contains a classical 31-syllable waka poem above. Kanazawa sits on the Sea of Japan bordered by the Japan Alps. One of Hiroshige’s finest compositions.

                  Very good impression. ( Later states have a mountain range printed in the background and a different colour scheme. ) Fine colour and condition with large margins. The publisher’s mark and censor seal intact in right margin. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                  Status: Sold

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                    Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                    “Evening Snow at Uchikawa”, Uchikawa bosetsu from the early set Kanazawa hakkei, “Eight Views in Kanazawa” published by Koshimuraya Heisuke, c 1835-6. This is an extremely rare and fine set and examples in good condition are very difficult to find. Each print contains a classical 31-syllable waka poem above. Kanazawa sits on the Sea of Japan bordered by the Japan Alps. One of Hiroshige’s finest compositions.

                    Fine impression and colour. Slight yellowing of the paper, otherwise fine condition. Completely untrimmed. Matching sheets with extra paper all round. ( These three designs are martyres to trimming. ) Signed Hiroshige hitsu.

                    Status: Sold

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                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                      Hira bosetsu, “Evening Snow at Mount Hira” from the vertical Omi Hakkei set of eight views of Lake Biwa. Published by Uoya Eikichi, Snake 7, 1857. Omi is the largest freshwater lake in Japan which serves as a reservoir for the cities of Kyoto and Otsu.

                      Superb impression of the first edition. Fine colour. Several minor marks and lower margin trimmed slightly, otherwise fine. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                      Status: Sold

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                        Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                        Arai watashibune no zu, “Ferry Boats at Arai.” Shows ferry boats outside the barrier – seen on the far shore –which was one of the most important on the Tokaido. From Hiroshige’s most famous set: Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi, “The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido.” The set jointly published by Takenouchi Magohachi ( Hoeido ) and Tsuruya Kiemon ( Senkakudo ), 1833-34

                        Very fine impression ( first edition ? ) with beautiful bokashi. Slight centre fold, otherwise fine condition and colour. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                        Status: Sold

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                          Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                          Ishibe Megawa no sato, “Megawa Village near Ishibe” from Hiroshige’s most famous set: Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi, “The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido.” The set jointly published by Takenouchi Magohachi ( Hoeido ) and Tsuruya Kiemon ( Senkakudo ), 1833-34. Shows travellers and revellers passing a tea house. There are temples near Ishibe that date from the Nara Period ( 701 – 784 ).

                          Very fine impression of what must be the first edition with beautiful gradation. Minimal soil top left corner, otherwise fine condition and colour. The best example of this design I have ever seen. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                          Status: Sold

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                            Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                            Tsuchiyama haru no ame, “Spring Rain at Tsuchiyama” from Hiroshige’s most famous set: Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi, “The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido.” The set jointly published by Takenouchi Magohachi ( Hoeido ) and Tsuruya Kiemon ( Senkakudo ), 1833-34. Shows a daimyo’s procession crossing the Tamura River in Suzuka Pass, east of Tsuchiyama. The area is famous for its green tea and infamous for the treacherous pass in winter.

                            Very good early impression. Imperceptible centre fold and paper flaw at bottom left edge. Very good colour. ( Interestingly, a different pigment was used for the seals on this design which oxidises to a brown colour, rather than the usual red. ) Signed Hiroshige ga.

                            Status: Sold

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                              Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                              Heavy snow with geisha in front of the torii in the Gion district of Kyoto. From the set of 10 prints Kyoto meisho no uchi, “Famous Views of Kyoto.” Published by Eisendo c 1834. The first edition of this design has the publisher’s mark and kiwame seal in blue in right margin. This impression, although the second edition, is still much sought after and rare.

                              Very good impression and colour. Imperceptible centre fold and minor marks in margin, otherwise good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                              Status: Sold

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                                Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                Arashiyama manka, “Cherry Trees in Full Bloom at Arashiyama” from the set of 10 prints Kyoto meisho no uchi, “Famous Views of Kyoto.” Published by Eisendo c 1834. Arashiyama, to the west of Kyoto, was the place to admire the cherry blossom. Shows men poling a large raft down the Hosu River. Numerous states exist of this design: some with variant gradation on the river, others with colour variations on the far bank.

                                Very good impression. Slight fading. Imperceptible centre fold. Minor marks in margin, otherwise good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                Status: Sold

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                                  Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                  Tamagawa no shugetsu, “Autumn Moon over the Tama River” from the early set Edo kinko hakkei, “Eight Views in the Environs of Edo.” The set was first privately printed for the Taihaido poetry club by Sanoya Kihei ( Kikakudo ) c 1837-8 with three poems on each design. For obvious reasons examples from this edition are of the utmost rarity. The set was then re-issued with one poem on each ( as here ). Even examples of these are rare. Shows dusk falling over the Tama River whose source was Mount Tanba. The river was full of freshwater trout and fishermen can be seen on the river bank. Unidentified collector’s seal bottom left.

                                  Very good impression and colour. Tips of upper two corners repaired, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                  Status: Sold

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                                    Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                    Mariko from Tokaido gojusan tsugi, “The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido”. The so-called Reisho Tokaido. Published by Maruya Seijiro, c 1851-2. Although Mariko, it probably shows the mountain village of Utsunoya on the way to the next station, Okabe. In contrast to most snow scenes where the earliest states have light blue graduated skies, this is only known with a slate-grey sky.

                                    Fine impression. Very good colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                    Status: Sold

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                                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                      Bizen, Yukazan. A figureless snow scene and the best design from the set of twenty prints entitled: Sankai mitate sumo, “Mountains and Sea Contending like Wrestlers”- one of the most poetic of his titles which is in an umpire’s fan used for wrestling matches, top right. The set published and sealed Horse 7 and 8 ( 1858 ) by Yamadaya. ( Happer lists it as the previous Horse Year 1846. ) One of Hiroshige’s last designs and rare. The set is divided into ten designs of mountains and ten prints of harbours.

                                      Very fine impression of the first edition ( variegated cartouche ). Fine colour. Imperceptible centre fold and the usual oxidation, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                      Status: Sold

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                                        Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                        Tsukudajima hatsu hototogitsu, “The First Cuckoo at Tsukudajima Island” from Hiroshige’s first major landscape set of ten prints with title Toto meisho published by Shoeido c 1831-2. Shows a few boats off the Island in the Bay of Edo as seen from Eitai Bridge. To the right the Shiba district and on the left the tip of Honju Fukugawa. This is the rare first state with ochre border, graded blue on the water, and with the publisher’s name and address in right margin.

                                        Fine impression and colour. Imperceptible centre fold. Large margins with publisher’s name and address in right margin intact. ( It is often trimmed, eg the Pulverer impression, pl. 6, Hiroshige, Matthi Forrer, 1997. ) Very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                        Status: Sold

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                                          Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                          Autumn moon at Ishiyama, Ishiyama no shugetsu, from the set of eight prints: Eight Views in Omi Province published 1834 by Hoeido. “Eight Views” was borrowed from Chinese poetry and each print conveys, pictorially, the kyoka poem written in the square label at the top right. To the left, hidden in trees, is the temple where Murasaki Shikibu ( c 978 – c 1014 ) wrote her great novel Tales of Genji. The scene shows Lake Biwa, Seta Bridge and Mount Hira on the horizon. Hiroshige probably never surpassed the ethereal, figureless quality this set possesses.

                                          Very good impression, colour and condition with good margins. The top-left mountain always shows slippage of the blue block on this design. The set was advertised as a “work in black and white, lightly coloured” and early states have a very limited palette. Later editions of this design incorporate green and brown into the cliffs on the left. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                          Status: Sold

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                                            Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                            Evening Bell at Miidera Temple, Mii no bansho, from the set: Omi hakkei no uchi, “Eight Views in Omi Province.” The series of eight prints was published by Hoeido and Eikyudo, c.1834-5. When first published it was advertised as a “work in black and white, lightly coloured,” and Hiroshige was never to surpass the ethereal quality that these figureless landscapes possess. The theme “Eight Views” was borrowed from Chinese poetry and each print conveys pictorially the poem written in the square label at the top right. Beside it, in a red label, is the series title. The designs for the set are known in various states and there are variations in colouring and gradation. Shows the temple hidden in the hills on the southern side of Lake Biwa.

                                            Fine impression. The first edition without the break in the line-block on left next to the row of trees and the break on the lower side of the cartouche containing title. ( Both can be seen on the impression in the Honolulu Academy of Art. ) Fine colour. Minor thinning, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                            Status: Sold

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                                              Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                              A giant wave thrown up by the sea at Satta. Suruga Satta kaijo, “Waves Off the Satta Pass in Suruga Province” from the set Fuji sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji.” The finest design from the set. The spume of a wave was thought to transmogrify into chidori ( a species of plover ) which can be seen here flying above the sea. Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. One of Hiroshige’s most popular prints.

                                              Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                              Status: Sold

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                                                Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                Masaki yukibare, “Clearing Weather After Snow.” A Toto meisho set of 21 prints published by Kikakudo ( Sanoki ) c 1832-5 and then extended to 55 in c 1839-42. Shows the temple on the far shore with boatmen navigating the river in the foreground. The scene under heavy snow.

                                                Fine impression of the first edition with red Kikakudo seal in right margin ( later editions have the black seal of Sanoki ). Fine colour. Trimmed close on right side. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                Status: Sold

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                                                  Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                  The Urami Falls, Mt. Nikko, Shimotsuke Province. Shimotsuke, Nikkozan urami no taki. One of the best designs from Rokuju yoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces.” The series published by Koshimuraya Heisuke between 7/1853 and 3/1856 ( this being 8/1853 ). The “Back-View” waterfall, so-called because it could be viewed from a path underneath.

                                                  Fine early impression with blind-printing on the water. The first edition has the falling water printed blue and other colour variations. ( See Pulverer impression in Rokujuyoshu Meisho Zue, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1996, no 27. ) However, this is one of those cases where the earliest state is not necessarily the preferred one. Fine colour. Slight edge soil, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                  Status: Sold

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                                                    Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                    Amanohashidate in Tango Province. One of the best designs from Rokuju yoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces.” The series published by Koshimuraya Heisuke between 7/1853 and 3/1856 ( this being 12/1853 ). The sandbank extended about three kilometres into the Sea of Japan. With Miyajima and Matsushima, considered to be one of the three most beautiful spots in Japan..

                                                    Fine early impression. The first edition has variations in the clouds. ( See Pulverer impression in Rokujuyoshu Meisho Zue, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1996, no 38. ) Fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                    Status: Sold

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                                                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                      The Yoro waterfall in Mino Province. Mino Yoro no taki. One of the best designs from Rokuju yoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces.” The series published by Koshimuraya Heisuke between 7/1853 and 3/1856 ( this being 8/1853 ). The fall was also depicted by Hokusai in his set of waterfalls.

                                                      Very fine early impression with strong woodgrain and blind-printing on the fall. The first edition has the falling water printed blue and other colour variations. ( See Pulverer impression in Rokujuyoshu Meisho Zue, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1996, no 23. ) The present state is preferred by some collectors. Fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                      Status: Sold

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                                                        Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                        Women bringing offerings to the great shrine in Izumo, Izumo, taisha hotohoto no zue. Hotohoto was a festival on the 14th day of the first month and children went around receiving rice cakes or small amounts of money. One of the best designs from Rokuju yoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces.” The series published by Koshimuraya Heisuke between 7/1853 and 3/1856 ( this being 12/1853 ). Izumo is the oldest shrine in Japan in the far south-east of Honshu. The colourful foreground figures contrast with the silhouettes of others and cryptomeria trees receding into the mist.

                                                        Fine early impression with nice wiped bokashi across the foreground ( missing on later editions ). The first edition has gradation on the gowns of two of the figures and the trees are hardly visible. ( See Pulverer impression in Rokujuyoshu Meisho Zue, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1996, no 42. ) Fine colour. Imperceptible centre fold. Very good condition. Signed Ichiryusai Hiroshige ga.

                                                        Status: Sold

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                                                          Utagawa TOYOKUNI I (1769-1825)

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                                                          An extremely rare complete pentatych ( each sheet numbered at the bottom ): Shin Yoshiwara sakura no keshiki, “Cherry Blossom in the Yoshiwara.” A panorama of the main Nakanocho street in early April with transplanted cherry trees. The main entrance to the right on the first sheet, the other sheets showing a multitude of courtesans, kamuro, shinzo manservants and customers. A fascinating design with a multiplicity of small vignettes. Cherry blossom was used as a euphemism for the quickly fading beauty of the courtesan. Published c 1810 by Yamatoya Kyubei.

                                                          Very good impression; very good colour. Slight horizontal line near bottom edge and slight thinning otherwise very good condition. Signed Toyokuni ga on each sheet.

                                                          Status: Sold

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                                                            Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)

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                                                            Sei Shonagon ( lady of honour to the empress at the court of Ichijo-tenno [ 10th century ]. Rival of Murasaki Shikibu ) from a rare set of ten nagaban prints with title: Shiika shashin-kyo, “A Mirror of Chinese/Japanese Verse.” The set published 1833-4 by Moriya Jihei. The print depicts a story from Chinese lore whereby a loyal follower of a prince who is pursued to the closed frontier gate of Kankoku climbs a tree to imitate the early morning cock-crow, the signal to have the gate opened. Chinese soldiers are at the gate and a cockerel sits nearby.

                                                            Fine impression, colour and condition. Completely untrimmed: A rarity with these designs for obvious reasons. Signed Zen Hokusai Iitsu hitsu.

                                                            Status: Sold

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                                                              Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                              Senju no Ohashi, “The Senju Great Bridge” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being 1857 ). The bridge which was built in 1594 connected Edo with Senju ( seen to the right ) over the Sumida ( Arakawa ) River. Ex collection P & L Warnock (seal au verso ).

                                                              Very fine impression of the first edition. Minor edge soil otherwise fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                              Status: Sold

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                                                                Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                A giant wave thrown up by the sea at Satta. Suruga Satta kaijo, “Waves Off the Satta Pass in Suruga Province” from the set Fuji sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji.” The finest design from the set. The spume of a wave was thought to transmogrify into chidori ( a species of plover ) which can be seen here flying above the sea. Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858.

                                                                Very good impression and colour. One slight spot at top, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                Status: Sold

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                                                                  KOTO (active 1894-1904)

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                                                                  Little is known of this artist ( whose name can also be read Koshu ), although he seems to have been a pupil of Gekko. A superb 6-sheet design of the great naval battle outside the port of Ryojun ( Port Arthur ). Ryojunkogai daikaisen zu. Shows the attack by Admiral Togo Heihachiro on the Russian destroyers on the night of the 8-9th February 1904. The Russian Vice Admiral Oskar Starks had three vessels hit by Japanese torpedoes. War was declared between Japan and Russia on the 10th February 1904. Published by Heikichi Kimura 1904. The finest design of this genre and period when the publishers had to produce speedy propaganda prints, quickly superseded by photographic processes. Shows the powerful searchlights raking the waves and vessels cleverly tying the six sheets together.

                                                                  Very fine impression with extensive splashed gofun. Fine colour and condition. Signed Koto.

                                                                  Status: Sold

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                                                                    Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1787-1858)

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                                                                    Masaki atari yori Suijin no mori uchikawa Sekiya no sata o miru zu, “View of Suijin Grove and Sekiya Village, Seen From Near Masaki” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being Snake 8, 1857 ). One of the great designs from the set, the view encapsulated by a semi-circular screen.

                                                                    Superb impression of the first edition. Fine colour. One very small thinned spot, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                    Status: Sold

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                                                                      Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1787-1858)

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                                                                      Konodai Tonegawa fukei, “View of Konodai and the Tone River” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being Dragon 5, 1856 ). Shows the river disappearing in the distance with Mt Fuji on the horizon. The scene being admired by three travellers on the rocky outcrop at left.

                                                                      Superb impression of the first edition. Fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                      Status: Sold

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                                                                        Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)

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                                                                        A view of two temples separated by water: Mimeguri and Ushi-no Misaka. From an early set of thirteen prints with title Shimpan uki-e, “New Perspective Prints,” published by Iseya Rihei, 1811. ( Although various dates are given between 1804 and 1810 for the series, in fact at least three have Yama-To gyoji seals.) Illustrated in Katsushika Hokusai, the catalogue of the Peter Morse collection at the Ota Memorial Museum of Art, 1988, no. 50. Interestingly, there are other designs in the same format using the same title cartouche and of the same date but by Toyokuni I and Kunitora.

                                                                        Fine impression and colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Later editions have considerably coarser colouring. Signed Hokusai ga.

                                                                        Status: Sold

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                                                                          Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)

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                                                                          One of the most majestic landscape sets: Shokoku takimeguri, “Travelling Around the Waterfall Country.” A series of eight waterfalls, this being the Kirifuri, “Falling Mist” fall that cascades down Kurokami mountain in Shimotsuke Province. Shimotsuke Kurokamiyama Kirifuri no taki. Pilgrims from Nikko admire the fall, one with Eijudo’s seal ( the publisher ) on his back; another with “Ei” on his back. Published c. 1832. Interestingly, there is a clever set of copies of this set, fully discussed in Oriental Art, Summer 1972, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, pp. 141 – 147 by Roger Keyes.

                                                                          Very good impression and colour. Slightly trimmed around: These designs are martyrs to trimming being slightly over-sized and few impressions are truly full size, otherwise very good condition. Signed Zen Hokusai Iitsu hitsu.

                                                                          Status: Sold

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                                                                            Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                            The sea shore at Izu from the set Fuji sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji.” The series published by Sanoya Kihei, 1852. This chuban set is now recognised as one of Hiroshige’s finest series and this is the best design. Late editions are not known which probably partly explains why the set was overlooked as it has always been rare. The heaving sea produces a wave that mimics the outline of Fuji.

                                                                            Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                            Status: Sold

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                                                                              Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                              Sakanoshita fudesute mine, “The Peak of Fudesute Mountain from Sakanoshita.” Fudesute means to “throw away brush” which alludes to the story of the artist Motonobu Kano who, unable to capture the beauty of this view, threw his brush away. From the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido. The set published by Hoeido and Senkakudo, c. 1833-4.

                                                                              Fine impression and colour. The seals very crisp. Very early impression: much better than the example in Ukiyoe Taikei. ( First edition ? ) Probably no other set went into so many reprints and there are a plethora of coarse impressions extant. Proof of how popular the designs were with the public. Indeed, it is stated that the first two hundred sets sold out in a matter of hours. Slight edge soil, otherwise good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                              Status: Sold

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                                                                                Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                                Otsu hashirii chamise, “The Running Well Teahouse at Otsu” from the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido. The set published by Hoeido and Senkakudo, c. 1833-4. Shows the teahouse with the eponymous well at far left. So-called because of the water that gushed from it. Rice cakes in Otsu borrowed the name and were called Shirii rice cakes. This is the extremely rare first state of the first edition with the mountain in the background ( missing on all later editions ) and gradation on the tea house roofs. Ukiyoe Taikei, vol. 14, no 54 shows the first edition but second state without gradation. Other first editions were in the Happer sale, Sothebys, 26/4/1909, lot 141 and Metzger auction, AA Galleries, NY, 13/11/1916, lot 157.

                                                                                Fine impression with very crisp seals and the mountain beautifully graded in grey ( some impressions being in blue ). Probably no other set went into so many reprints and there are a plethora of coarse impressions extant. Proof of how popular the designs were with the public. Indeed, it is stated that the first two hundred sets sold out in a matter of hours. Fine colour. Slight thinning in centre with backing support and small repairs top and bottom margins, but generally very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                                Status: Sold

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