

Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)

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Shiojiri Pass, View of Lake Suwa, from the Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kisokaido. The set was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseiri ( Kinjudo ). A view from the pass over the frozen lake towards Takashima Castle, with Mount Fuji in the distance. A short cut over the ice was available in the winter mornings after the ice had frozen during the night. This is the earliest state. Extremely rare.

Very fine early impression. The first state of a number of variants with Take [ nouchi Magohachi ] on the girth of the horse; signature and seals, and gradation on the banks on the right of the print. Combined Take and kiwame seal in left margin. Signed Eisen ga.

Status: Sold

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    Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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    A view over the Naruto Strait of the whirlpools at Awa, Awa no naruto no fukei. Although no series title this is from a trinity of triptychs depicting Snow, Moon and Flowers, this being the last ( because the eddies and whirls were reminiscent of flowers [ nami no hana, “flowers of the waves” ] ). These were the last three great prints Hiroshige designed. All are rare, especially Snow and Moon. Published 1857 by Okasawaya Taheiji.

    Fine impression. It is claimed that the first printings have a sliver of land on the far right horizon which is removed on later editions. However, there seems to be no discernable difference in quality between that state and very good impressions without. So, if true, this must have happened early on. Almost all impressions are without. Indeed, late impressions of this set of three triptychs are not known. Fine colour. Virtually untrimmed: These prints are extremely difficult to find without trimming, often well into the title cartouche. Signed Hiroshige ga.

    Status: Sold

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      Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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      The village of Yase, Yase no sato from Kyoto meisho no uchi, “Famous views of Kyoto.” Shows Oharame from the village of Ohara travelling to Kyoto to sell their wares. A set of ten prints published by Kawaguchiya Shojo, c 1834.

      Very good impression and colour. Several expertly repaired wormholes, otherwise very good condition with large margins. Signed Hiroshige ga.

      Status: Sold

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        Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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        Shinyoshiwara asazakura no zue, “Morning Cherries at Yoshiwara” from Toto Meisho, “Famous Views of the Eastern Capital.” Hiroshige’s first landscape set of ten prints published c 1831 by Kawaguchiya Shojo. An early morning scene with low lying mist. A client takes leave of his companion.

        Fine impression. The first edition with ochre patterned border. Missing on later editions. Fine colour. Thinned area top right border and minimal soil in right border. Large margins. ( The publisher’s name and address in right border is often trimmed off. ) Signed Ichiyusai Hiroshige ga.

        Status: Sold

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          Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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          The Benten Shrine, Inokashira Pond in a snowstorm, Inokashira no ike Benzaiten no yashiro no kei. One of a set Meisho setsu gekka, “Famous Places: Snow, Moon and Flowers.” ( The other two are Flowering Cherries at Kogamei and Autumn Moon at Takanawa. ) A fine and rare snow scene, this being the hard to get first edition with publisher’s seal Riuya Zenbei (?) left centre bottom. A later edition altered the seal to circular and moved it to the right border. An even later reissue was published by Marujin, his and the censor seal being in the left margin. This state had the sky block recut with heavy snowflakes and completely ruins the design. For this state see Japanese Prints & Drawings From The Vever Collection, Jack Hillier, Sothebys, 1976, no. 926, p. 950. Also Tamba, no. 223 ( later edition ) and Suzuki, no. 146 ( first edition ). Ex collection Walter von Scheven, 1878 – 1950, and purchased by him from R. Wagner, Berlin in 1921.

          Fine impression and colour. Minor edge soil, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

          Status: Sold

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            Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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            Fujikawa from the so-called “Upright Tokaido.” One of the two snow scenes from the set. Published by Tsutaya, Hare 7, 1855. Ex collection Paul-Louis de la Noe, 1879-1919, ( an acquaintance of the Goncourt brothers, Bing and Hayashi ).

            Fine, very early impression. Fine colour. Very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

            Status: Sold

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              Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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              A chu-tanzaku view: Matsuchiyama-no yukihare, “Clearing Weather After Snow at Matsuchiyama.” From a set of at least 15 prints: Famous Places of the Eastern [ Edo] Capital.” Published c early 1830s by Fujihiko.

              Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

              Status: Sold

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                Utagawa KUNITERU ( F. mid Meiji period )

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                A pupil of Kunisada who called himself Sadashige during his master’s use of the go Kunisada. A charming print I have not seen before showing numerous children playing in the snow. Building a snow rabbit, a large snowball, throwing snowballs and carrying ice. A mother carrying a child looks on. An aiban print published by Fujiokaya Hikotaro (?).

                Fine impression. Very good colour and condition. Signed Ichiyusai Sadashige ga.

                Status: Sold

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                  Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                  Tsukudajima hatsu kakko, “The First Cuckoo at Tsukudajima Island” from Hiroshige’s first major landscape set of 10 prints with title Toto Meisho published by Shoeido c 1831-2. This is the rare first state: with ochre border; graded blue on water, and with the publisher’s name and address in right margin. Ex Ernest Le Veel collection. Sold Ader-Picard-Tajan, 24/10/1980, lot 96.

                  Fine impression and colour. Slight soil at left border. With the publisher’s name and address which is often trimmed on right, eg even the Pulverer impression pl 6, Hiroshige, Matthi Forrer, 1997. Very good condition. Signed Ichiryusai Hiroshige ga.

                  Status: Sold

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                    Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                    Mama no Momiji Tekona no Yashiro Tsugihashi, ” The Red Maples of Mama at Tekona Shrine” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being Snake 1, 1857 ). Shows russet-coloured leaves between the boughs of an old maple. In the distance ponds and rice fields stretching to the distant Tsukuba hills. One of the finest designs from the set. Ex Illing collection. This impression illustrated in Richard Illing, Japanese Prints, Phaidon, 1976, no. 93.

                    Fine impression of the first edition. Fine colour. Left margin shaved towards top but retaining black border, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                    Status: Sold

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                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                      Motoyama from the Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido. The set was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseiri ( Kinjudo ). Shows two loggers relaxing on a tree that they have felled beneath another trunk that leans awkwardly across the path supported by a trestle making for a dramatic composition. These mountain areas supplied the timber for Edo.

                      Fine, early impression. Fine colour and very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                      Status: Sold

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                        Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                        Kashiwabara from the Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido. The set was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseiri ( Kinjudo ). An evening scene showing porters outside the famous Kameya or Turtle shop. Besides the medicines and herbs, the shop also sold refreshments.

                        Very fine impression of the first edition. Fine colour. Very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                        Status: Sold

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                          Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)

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                          Kutsukake no eki Hiratsukahara uchu no kei, ” Kutsukake Station, Rain on the Nearby Plain of Hiratsuka” from the Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido. The set was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseiri ( Kinjudo ). A windy autumnal squall over the Hiratsuka flood plain. One of the best Eisen designs from the set. Known in various states and colour variations. The very rare first edition has the signature lower right corner.

                          Very good impression. Fine colour. Very good condition. Unsigned.

                          Status: Sold

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                            Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                            Eitaibashi no zue, “Eitai Bridge” from an Edo meisho set published by Senichi, c 1840-42. An extremely rare set, obviously not popular as examples are only known in fine impression. ( Not listed in Edward Strange’s monograph on Hiroshige. ) Illustrated in colour, Tamba, The Art of Hiroshige, no. 36. Aiban.

                            Very fine impression. Fine colour. Minor backed wormage top right corner. Very full margins. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                            Status: Sold

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                              Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

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                              The priest Nichiren calming a storm at Kakuda on his way to Sado Island by invoking the name of the Lotus Sutra ( namu myoho rengekyo ) which is shown written on the waves. From Koso goichidai ryakuzu, “Illustrated Abridged Biography of the Founder. “ Nichiren was the founder of the Buddhist Nichiren sect ( Nichiren shu – Kuniyoshi being a follower ) and indeed the set of ten prints may have been commissioned to mark the 550th anniversary of his death. Published c. 1831 by Iseya Rihei. This is the first edition with black spots printed in the sky; splashed gofun; gradation on the distant sea; blue gradation at top, and grey mountain. One of the three best designs from the set. ( See this website for the snow scene and Nichiren praying for rain. )

                              Fine impression and colour. Minor soil and slight centre fold. Signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga.

                              Status: Sold

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                                Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)

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                                Kuragano Station, Karasu River, Kuragano shuku Karasugawa no zu from the Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido. The set was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseiri ( Kinjudo ). Situated at the confluence of three rivers, the Tone, Karasu and Kabura. In spring a ferry service was available down to Edo. The station can be seen on the far shore. Small children play in the foreground watched by a lady taking tea at a rest-stop. This appears to be the earliest state known of this design – earlier than the first edition example illustrated in the NHK exhibition catalogue, Hiroshige: Tokaido and Kisokaido, 2006, pl. 14, p. 43, with greater subtlety in the printing and gradation on the river.

                                Very fine impression of the first edition. Fine colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Eisen ga.

                                Status: Sold

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                                  Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                  Evening Rain at Karasaki, Karasaki no yau, the finest design from the set: Omi hakkei no uchi, “Eight Views in Omi Province.” The series of eight prints was published by Hoeido and Eikyudo, c. 1834-5. When first published it was advertised as a “work in black and white, lightly coloured, “ and Hiroshige was never to surpass the ethereal quality that these figureless landscapes possess. The theme “Eight Views” was borrowed from Chinese poetry and each print conveys pictorially the poem written in the square label at the top right. Beside it, in a red label, is the series title. The designs for the set are known in various states and there are variations in colouring and gradation. This is particularly relevant to this design and there is dispute as to which is the earliest state. In fact the first printing appears to be the Yan Buhl impression illustrated in Hiroshige, Hotei publishing, 2008, no. 48, p. 54: the kiwame seal on this example is higher than on all other printings ( presuming no remargining, which does not appear to be the case ); the break on the top of the right rigging of the tallest boat, far right, is not evident, and the gradation on the pine is across the top and down towards the bottom right. Many of these great designs seemed to inspire the publishers and/or printers to experiment with different colour schemes and gradation. ( As with the Kuniyoshi Nichiren in snow on this website. ) Later states had gradation completely across top of pine; down left side only; or with gradation from the bottom up, and a green version is also known. The later editions also had the area around the Hoeido seal cleared so that the rain did not intrude. The old pine no longer exists and was replaced with another. One of the finest 19th century landscapes. An almost abstract composition which transcends the usual views of the countryside that the curious Edo public bought and the views of the capital purchased as souvenirs, to reach a completely different aesthetic.

                                  Fine, early impression with the gradation at top of pine and down towards right. Very good colour. Minor restoration, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                  Status: Sold

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                                    Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

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                                    Nichiren struggling up a snow-covered mountain near Tsukahara on the Island of Sado. The best design from Koso goichidai ryakuza, the “Illustrated Abridged Biography of the Founder.” Nichiren being the founder of the Buddhist Nichiren sect ( Nichiren shu – Kuniyoshi being a follower ) and indeed the set of ten prints may have been commissioned to mark the 550th anniversary of his death. Published by Iseya Rihei, c 1831. Like many great landscapes, there exist different states which causes confusion over which is the earliest. The basic difference is that the design is known with and without a horizon line and that there is at least one impression where the uninked, blind-printed line can be seen in a raked light. It has been asserted that those impressions without are the earliest; however, it seems from this that the sumi block was probably cut initially with the line but the publishers thought that it looked aesthetically better without printing it, and it was subsequently removed. In any case, this is an extremely rare print and most surviving examples appear to be similar in impression. There is a break in the border to the left of the bottom of Kuniyoshi’s signature which could give a guide to the earliest states, but as this is often painted in, it is not reliable. The print offered here has the horizon line and the gradation at the base of the mountain upwards. Left border line is unbroken. The composition is based on a design in the illustrated book Bumpo sansui gafu by Kawamura Bumpo, published posthumously in 1824. Although not from a landscape set, this is considered one of the great 19th century landscapes. Provenance: Ex collection Hans Crzellitzer, seal top right corner.

                                    Very good impression. Some fading and light soil. Slight centre fold. Signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi hitsu.

                                    Status: Sold

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                                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                      Gyotoku kihan, “Returning Sails at Gyotoku “ from the series Edo kinko hakkei no uchi, “Eight Views of the Environs of Edo. “ A very fine early set published by Kikakudo, c. 1837 – 8. The first private edition of this set was commissioned by the contemporary poet Taihaido and these prints have Taihaido kaihan, “Prints inaugurated by Taihaido “ in the left margin and three or four poems. They were probably for the poetry club and are excessively rare. The commercial edition is also rare and they are invariably fine impressions with one or two poems.

                                      Very fine impression. Fine colour. Left margin remargined but retaining black border, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                      Status: Sold

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                                        Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)

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                                        Yodo-gawa from Setsugekka, Snow, Moon and Flowers. A traditional concept that provided the subject for sets of paintings and prints by Ukiyo-e artists. Shows boats being hauled up the river, which flowed passed Osaka, under a full moon. Under the Tokugawa boats were allowed to sail the river with mail, a tax being levied on every vessel. Published by Yohachi, c. 1833.

                                        Fine early impression of the first edition with the moon overprinted. Very fine colour. Trimmed left ( where the title is near border ), otherwise fine condition. Signed Zen Hokusai I-itsu hitsu.

                                        Status: Sold

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                                          Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                          Heavy snow and visitors to the Shiba Jingu Palace from an oban set Edo Meisho of approx. 45 prints published by Yamada-ya, 1853 – 1858, half being published in 1853. This design published 1858. A rare snow scene.

                                          Fine impression and colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                          Status: Sold

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                                            Utagawa TOYOKUNI II (1777-1835)

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                                            Fuji bosetsu, Evening Snow on Fuji from a set of Eight Famous Views published by Iseya Rihei, c. 1833-4. Fuji towers over a religious compound. Toyokuni, like Kuniyoshi, Kunisada, Gakutei and Hokkei, while not known as a landscapes artist, produced a few fine examples, as here. Rare.

                                            Very fine impression and colour. Fine condition. The first edition: It’s not generally known that there are two editions with the title recut. Also, the purple colour in the title label invariably fades to a puce colour. Signed Toyokuni hitsu.

                                            Status: Sold

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                                              Kochoro KUNISADA (1786-1865)

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                                              Sunrise at Futamigaura, Futamigaura akebono no zu from an untitled set of ten landscapes published by Kinkodo c. 1832. Shows the husband and wife rocks at Futami beach in Ise Province. A Shinto site indicated by the rope and gateways on top of the left rock. Kunisada, like Kuniyoshi, Toyoshige, Gakutei and Hokkei, while not known as a landscapes artist, produced a few fine examples, as here. Rare.

                                              Fine impression, the waves gauffraged. Minor soil and marks, otherwise very good colour and condition. Signed Kochoro Kunisada ga.

                                              Status: Sold

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                                                Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                A chutanzaku print showing Asakusa, Kinryuzan [ Temple ] in snow from a rare set of Famous Views of the Eastern Capital. For others – probably from the same set – see Kobijutsu, Special Edition, Hiroshige, number 3, 1983, nos. 193, 195, 197, 198 and 199. No publisher’s seal, c.1840-41. See Hiroshige’s 1856 oban version of the same subject from the 100 Views of Edo on this website.

                                                Very good impression and colour. Very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                Status: Sold

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                                                  Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                  Evening Bell at Miidera Temple, Mii no bansho, from the set: Omi hakkei no uchi, “Eight Views in Omi Province.” The series of eight prints was published by Hoeido and Eikyudo, c.1834-5. When first published it was advertised as a “work in black and white, lightly coloured,” and Hiroshige was never to surpass the ethereal quality that these figureless landscapes possess. The theme “Eight Views” was borrowed from Chinese poetry and each print conveys pictorially the poem written in the square label at the top right. Beside it, in a red label, is the series title. The designs for the set are known in various states and there are variations in colouring and gradation.

                                                  Very good impression. Fine colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise fine condition. A lovely example on thick hosho of this design. Beautiful colouring without the brown gradation at base which detracts from some impressions. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                  Status: Sold

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                                                    Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                    Weather Clearing at Awazu, Awazu no seiran, from the set: Omi hakkei no uchi, “Eight Views in Omi Province.” The series of eight prints was published by Hoeido and Eikyudo, c.1834-5. When first published it was advertised as a “work in black and white, lightly coloured,” and Hiroshige was never to surpass the ethereal quality that these figureless landscapes possess. The theme “Eight Views” was borrowed from Chinese poetry and each print conveys pictorially the poem written in the square label at the top right. Beside it, in a red label, is the series title. The designs for the set are known in various states and there are variations in colouring and gradation.

                                                    Very good impression. Some slight fading, otherwise very good condition. Seal of Wakai Kenzaburo ( 1834-1908 ) bottom left corner. Wakai was a dealer and collector in Paris and Hayashi became his assistant. When Wakai retired in 1886 Hayashi went on to become the most successful dealer in France. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                    Status: Sold

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                                                      Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)

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                                                      Konosu from the Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido. The set was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseiri ( Kinjudo ). Shows travellers on a zig-zag path that disappears into a range of mountains on the right. To the left, a large Fuji towers over the landscape. The very rare first edition with signature – which is lacking on later states – and differences in colour and gradation. The removal of the signature was presumably because the publishers wanted the public to think the designs were by Hiroshige , the better known landscape artist of the two.

                                                      Very fine impression and colour. Extremely large margins. Fine condition. Signed Eisen ga.

                                                      Status: Sold

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                                                        Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                        Awa no naruto no fuha, “Rough Seas at the Whirlpools of Awa.” The best design from the Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces published by Koshimuraya Heisuke, 1853 – 6 ( this design Hare 9 [ 1855 ] ). The area of water between Awa Province on the Island of Shikoku and the smaller island of Awaji where the waters of the Inland Sea and the Pacific Ocean meet was notorious for its whirlpools. ( See the triptych design of the same subject published two years later on this website. ) A famous design and justly popular.

                                                        Good impression with woodgrain showing on rocks and sky. The earliest impression I have seen was the Walter Amstutz copy ( ex Popper ), lot 207, Sothebys, 1991. Examination of that example shows that the narrow area of sea immediately below the distant hills differs and was obviously recut on all but this earliest state. Likewise, later impressions appear to have a different block for the sky as they do not show the distinctive woodgrain. Slight fading and marks, otherwise good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                        Status: Sold

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                                                          Ichiyusai HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869)

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                                                          Harima: Heavy snow at Muro-no-tsu from an uncompleted set: Shokoku meisho hyakkei, “One Hundred Views of the Provinces.” Published by Uoei between 1859 – 1861 ( this being 1859 ). One of the best designs from an otherwise unexceptional set.

                                                          Superb impression of the first edition. Very fine colour. Small backed binding holes at right margin edge, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                          Status: Sold

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                                                            Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                            A rare tanzaku from a Toto Meisho set showing Nihonbashi in snow. Edo Castle and Mount Fuji in the background forming a clever zig-zag composition. Published by Shogendo c. 1837-8. Illustrated in colour in Tsuneo Tamba, The Art of Hiroshige, pl. 32.

                                                            Very good impression and colour. Small repaired wormage top right edge, otherwise good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                            Status: Sold

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                                                              Hasegawa SADANOBU I (1809-1879)

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                                                              Ryoanji yuki akebono, “Ryoan Temple in Snow at Daybreak” from the series Miyako meisho no uchi, “A Set of Famous Views of the Capital [ Kyoto ].” A set of at least 30 chuban prints published by Osaka Wataya c. late 1850’s – early 1860’s. Shows visitors to the Zen temple. One of the best designs from the set.

                                                              Fine impression and colour. Very small repair top right corner, otherwise very good condition. Signed Sadanobu ga.

                                                              Status: Sold

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                                                                Hasegawa SADANOBU I (1809-1879)

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                                                                Through the masts of cargo vessels and heavy rain can be seen a guardhouse at the convergence of the Aji and Kizu Rivers from the set Naniwa hyakkei meisho shashin kagami, “A Mirror of 100 Famous Views of Osaka – truthfully Copied.” Around 63 chuban designs are known and this is one of the best. Published c. late 1850’s – early 1860’s by Wataki.

                                                                Fine impression and colour. Minor marks, otherwise very good condition. Signed Sadanobu sha.

                                                                Status: Sold

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                                                                  Hasegawa SADANOBU I (1809-1879)

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                                                                  Shijo-bashi yori Nawate-dori Yamato-bashi o nozomu, “View from Shijo Bridge Towards Yamato Bridge at Nawate Street” from the series Miyako meisho no uchi, “A Set of Famous Views of the Capital [ Kyoto ].” A set of at least 30 chuban prints published by Osaka Wataya c. late 1850’s – early 1860’s. Shows people crossing the bridge, the whole scene under heavy snow. One of the best designs from the set.

                                                                  Fine impression and colour. Minor marks, otherwise very good condition. Signed Sadanobu ga.

                                                                  Status: Sold

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                                                                    Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)

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                                                                    Onden no suisha, “Waterwheel at Onden” from Hokusai’s most famous series: Fugaku sanju-rokkei, the “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji.” The set of 46 prints published by Eijudo, c.1830-32. The Onden area is now traversed by a broad avenue running up to the Meiji Shrine in Tokyo. In Hokusai’s time the area was partly agricultural with streams flowing through. In this case the water turning a large waterwheel. Peasants using the water and carrying sacks to the mill. One of the best designs from the set.

                                                                    Fine impression and colour with the red Eijudo and kiwame seals and strong woodgrain in the area near signature which only shows on early impressions. Imperceptible centre fold and slight trimming bottom and right, otherwise very good condition. Signed Zen Hokusai Iitsu hitsu.

                                                                    Status: Sold

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                                                                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                      Horikiri no hana shobu, “Flowering Irises at Horikiri” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being 1857 ). The village of Horikiri, situated up the Sumida River from Edo, was famous for growing irises, azaleas, morning glory and chrysanthemums. Large foreground images, such as the blooms here, was a popular compositional device used by Hiroshige and impressed and was picked-up by many French artists of the late 19th century. One of Hiroshige’s most popular prints.

                                                                      Very good impression with strong woodgrain still evident in the sky and right iris. Fine colour and condition. Later editions have the right iris printed with solid colour. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                      Status: Sold

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                                                                        Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                        The one hundred thousand tsubo [ an area of measure ] plain, Suzaki, Fukagawa, from Meisho Edo hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Edo” published by Uoei between 1856 and 1858 ( this being 1857 ). An eagle hovers over the snowy coastal plain at Suzaki with Mount Tsukuba and the Chiba mountains in the distance. This and the other similar designs from the set with large foreground objects were of particular interest to the Post Impressionists, and indeed, this design was considered by many collectors at the turn of the 19th century to be the finest print from the set. It is still judged to be one of the major designs.

                                                                        Very good impression. Fine colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                        Status: Sold

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                                                                          Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                          An extremely rare print with title: Genji monogatari Suma no maki, “The Suma Chapter from the Tale of Genji. “ Published by Maruya Seijiro, c 1832-4. Shows the salt water gatherers Matsukaze “Pine Wind”and Murasame “Drops of Rain” at Suma Beach. In the summer house is the courtier Yukihira who was banished to this lonely place in Settsu. This is the first edition: republished without clouds and title slip at right. ( See Tsuneo Tamba, The Art of Hiroshige, 1965, no. 131, p. 62. )

                                                                          Good impression; very good colour. Centre fold. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                          Status: Sold

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                                                                            Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                            A vertical diptych showing a deep gorge covered in snow and the Fuji River which flowed to the left of Mount Fuji and eventually entered Suruga Bay. One of Hiroshige’s major designs and rare ( Strange: “One of the great landscapes of the nineteenth century.” ) Published by Sanoya Kihei, c 1840-2. It is not generally known that there are two distinct states of this print with a different block used for the sky and the two peaks top left with different outlines: See here and J. Hillier, Gale Catalogue of Japanese Paintings and Prints, Routledge, 1970, no. 280 and ( alternative ): Matthi Forrer, Hiroshige, Prestel, 1997, ( Baur collection, Geneva ), no. 118. Both appear to be similar impressions.

                                                                            Very good impression, colour and condition. Full size. Signed Hiroshige hitsu.

                                                                            Status: Sold

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                                                                              Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

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                                                                              Awa no naruto no fuha, “ Rough Seas at the Whirlpools of Awa.” The best design from the Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces published by Koshimuraya Heisuke, 1853 – 6 ( this design Hare 9 [ 1855 ] ). The area of water between Awa Province on the Island of Shikoku and the smaller island of Awaji where the waters of the Inland Sea and the Pacific Ocean meet was notorious for its whirlpools. ( See the triptych design of same subject published two years later on this website. ) A famous design and justly popular. An unidentified collector’s seal bottom left corner ( F.E. or T.E. ? ).

                                                                              Extremely good, early impression with good woodgrain showing on rocks and sky. The earliest impression I have seen was the Walter Amstutz copy ( ex Popper ), lot 207, Sothebys, 1991. Examination of that example shows that the narrow area of sea immediately below the distant hills differs and was obviously recut on all but this earliest state. Likewise, later impressions appear to have a different block for sky as they do not show the distinctive woodgrain. Margins a little narrow on two sides, but otherwise very good condition and colour. Signed Hiroshige ga.

                                                                              Status: Sold

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                                                                                Ichiyusai KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

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                                                                                Stations Hodogaya, Totsuka, Fujisawa and Hiratsuka from a set of twelve prints, Tokaido gojusan eki, shishuku meisho, “Famous Views of the Fifty-three Stations on the Tokaido, Four at a Time.” This is the outstanding design from an otherwise boring set, only one other composition – sailing boats between Maisaka and Arai – having any merit. This is the actual impression illustrated in Heroes and Ghosts, Robert Schaap, 1998, no. 212, p. 192 where they propose three variant editions ( this being the second ). Provenance: ex W B Robinson collection.

                                                                                Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi shuku zu.

                                                                                Status: Sold

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