Isoda KORYUSAI (1735-1790)
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A pillar print, hashira-e, of a beauty after a bath cooling herself with a fan. A cat looks up adoringly from below. Above her is a temple bell wind chime, often hung in the summer. Masanobu laid claim to have invented the pillar print format. Roger Keyes has suggested that, because many large format prints from the 1740s were printed using two blocks of wood, there was a tendency for the blocks to separate during use, giving rise to the hashira-e shape. Probably the most interesting format in that the restrictions often led to creative compositions. And figures sometimes partially exit or enter from the side, giving weight to the theory of separating blocks of wood. Certainly, these prints were hung on pillars in houses, and because of this they often come browned, faded or damaged. Koryusai was the artist par excellence when it comes to pillar prints. Rare.
Very good impression and colour. Slight toning, but in very good condition for such a print. Signed Koryusai ga.
Status: Sold